For the Media

News release


QUÉBEC CITY, Québec, August 1, 2006 - Jacques Gourde, Parliamentary Secretary for the Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and the Canadian Wheat Board, today announced on behalf of the Minister that $150,000 in funding would be provided for Expo Québec so that it may continue to implement the international development plan for this major Canadian agricultural and agri-food fair.

This year, Expo Québec will be launching Phase II of its international strategy with many initiatives intended to significantly increase the number of foreign buyers at the event and, consequently, boost foreign sales of dairy cattle semen and embryos. An international business centre will, therefore, be established in addition to the information, promotional and dissemination initiatives already under way highlighting the excellence of Canadian products.

Mr. Gourde stated that he was pleased that the new administration of the Government of Canada was providing $150,000 in funding for Expo Québec, which promises to become a true hub for trading and genetics in Canadian livestock in North America. He also said that, given the quality of the products on hand and Expo Québec's know-how, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada was confident that Expo Québec would meet one of its objectives, namely to increase foreign sales by 25% in the summer of 2006.

The financial contribution will also allow for a repeat of the Canadian Culinary Riches and Japanese Flavours event. As part of this activity, renowned Canadian chefs from each province and a Japanese chef will be showcasing their culinary skills at the Carrefour Agroalimentaire. The event is intended to promote the diversity of Canadian agri-food products and foster close networking between Canadian and foreign chefs.

With nearly 400,000 visitors and some $30 million in economic spinoffs each year, Expo Québec, which will be held from August 16 to 27, 2006, is one of the largest tourism draws in Eastern Canada. The event brings together 700 producers of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, hogs and small animals that are registered in seven province-wide competition categories.

Always aiming to ensure that the country's agricultural producers reap the greatest benefits, the financial support of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada is allocated under the Canadian Agriculture and International Food Program, intended to support the Canadian agriculture and agri-food industry through the implementation of long-term international marketing strategies.

To learn more about Expo Québec, please visit the web site at


For more information, media may contact:

Media Relations
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ottawa, ON

Jeff Howard
Press Secretary
Minister Strahl's office

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