National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Three Canadian Soldiers killed, six wounded in Afghanistan

CEFCOM NR–06.015 - August 3, 2006

OTTAWA - Three Canadian soldiers were killed and six others injured today as the result of a rocket propelled grenade attack that occurred near the village of Pashmul, approximately 25 kilometres south west of Kandahar City near the location where Corporal Reid was killed when his vehicle struck an improvised explosive device earlier in the day. The incident occurred at approximately 12:30 p.m. Kandahar time.

Killed were:

  • Private Kevin Dallaire;
  • Corporal Bryce Jeffrey Keller; and
  • Sergeant Vaughan Ingram.

All three soldiers were members of the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton.

The three more seriously wounded soldiers and a local interpreter, who was also injured in the same incident, were evacuated by helicopter to the nearby British-led hospital at Camp Bastion in Helmand province.  The three remaining soldiers were air-evacuated to the multinational hospital at Kandahar Airfield.  All six soldiers are in good condition and the interpreter is in fair condition.  None of the injuries are life threatening. 

The repatriation of remains is now being planned.

As a result of this ongoing engagement, Canadian and Afghan National Security Forces have inflicted severe casualties upon the Taliban and disrupted their leadership in the Pashmul area. Coalition forces will continue to apply coordinated pressure in an effort to establish the security conditions necessary for reconstruction and development to continue. The operation is also focussed on removing Taliban influence from this area so that local citizens can live without the fear of Taliban intimidation and violence.

Today’s fighting has been tough for Task Force Afghanistan with four Canadians killed and 10 wounded, but today was also a necessary and successful step towards improving security in Southern Afghanistan. Without security development is not possible. The sacrifice of these brave Canadian soldiers was the price today of ensuring that tens of thousands of Afghan men, women and children can have hope that their future will be brighter.

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