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News Release

For Release
August 24, 2006

North Battleford Receives Funding to Replace Water and Sewer Mains

NORTH BATTLEFORD, SK – The City of North Battleford will receive $500,000 from the Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) to rehabilitate its water distribution and wastewater collection systems.

Saskatchewan Health Minister Len Taylor on behalf of Government Relations Minister Harry Van Mulligen and North Battleford Member of Parliament Gerry Ritz announced the funding today.

“Local infrastructure renewal is one of the top funding needs identified by our cities,” Minister Taylor said.  “The provincial contribution of $250,000 to the City of North Battleford is just one example of our commitment to help communities address their infrastructure needs and to maximize funding availability by partnering with the federal government.” 

“This combined government investment will boost the capacity of North Battleford’s water distribution and wastewater systems to provide clean water and prevent sewer backups,” M.P. Ritz said on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “The Government of Canada is carrying out its commitment to build stronger communities by ensuring that proper municipal infrastructure is in place to maintain a high quality of living standard.”

"We always appreciate financial assistance for infrastructure. Municipalities, like other levels of government, have faced shortfalls in infrastructure spending for a good number of years.  We are pleased to partner with the provincial and federal governments on this project," said His Worship Julian Sadlowski, Mayor of North Battleford.

The project is worth $1.56 million.  In total 12 blocks of aging water main and 9.5 blocks of sewer main infrastructure will be replaced. The project will also involve improvements to the City’s water distribution that will increase both water circulation and pressure.

Approximately 4,600 households and 800 commercial users will benefit from these water treatment and wastewater system enhancements. The new water main lines will be cleaner, which will reduce taste, odour and discolouration. In addition, the new sewer main lines are expected to minimize potential breaks and backups because of their larger capacity.

Before receiving final approval, community projects undergo a review process under both the Canadian Environment Assessment Act and The Environmental Assessment Act (Saskatchewan). 

The federal and provincial governments are investing a total of $76 million in the four-year Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund. Participating communities are expected to contribute one-half the cost of any project, which will raise the total infrastructure investment above $152 million.

For more information on the Government of Canada and Province of Saskatchewan’s infrastructure programs, visit www.infrastructure.gc.ca or www.municipal.gov.sk.ca/mrd/prosimsi.shtml .

For additional information, contact:

Mike Winterburn
Office of the Minister of National Revenue and Western Economic Diversification
Tel: (613) 995-2960

Jean Collins
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 975-5965
WD Toll-Free Number
1 888 338-WEST (9378)

Gladys Wasylenchuk
Acting Director, Communications
Saskatchewan Government Relations
Regina, SK
Tel: (306) 787-1370

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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