Voter Registration Mailings

Voter Registration MailingIntroduction

This fall, Elections Canada is mailing a voter registration package to individuals we have identified as potential eligible electors. The purpose of the mailing is to confirm whether each person who gets the package is qualified to vote. It includes a voter registration form and a postage-paid envelope.

If you receive this form, are a Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older, and you wish to be added to the National Register of Electors, please confirm your personal information and citizenship on the form, sign it and mail it to Elections Canada before the deadline.

We can then add you to the federal voters list, and you should not need to register to vote in future federal elections or referendums.

For more information, please check the following questions and answers or phone us at 1 800 463-6868.

Questions and Answers About the Voter Registration Mailings