National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

NATO Flagship HMCS ATHABASKAN Returns to Canada

CEFCOM / COMFEC - NR–06.011 - July 5, 2006

HALIFAX N.S. - After spending six months abroad, HMCS Athabaskan will return to Canada this week following her deployment as flagship for the Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG 1).

The crew of approximately 300, including a CH-124 Sea King helicopter detachment participated in major NATO and national exercises alongside other alliance nations in the Atlantic, North and Mediterranean seas to test the effectiveness of current NATO marine procedures and tactics.

“The work accomplished by HMCS Athabaskan over the past six months has showcased Canada’s capabilities on the international stage and is a testament to the hard work and dedication that each crew member has put forth throughout this mission,” says Canadian Commodore Denis Rouleau. Commodore Rouleau took command of SNMG 1 on January 26, 2006, and along with his international maritime staff is responsible for a squadron of destroyers and frigates from alliance nations.

As part of Canada’s one-year commitment to the NATO Response Force (NRF), HMCS Athabaskan participated in exercises such as DISTEX that was held to practise humanitarian relief skills, SWORDFISH, which tested the Navy’s ability to conduct operations encompassing the full spectrum of war at sea, BRILLIANT MARINER to prove combat readiness for many of its NRF missions, and STEADFAST JAGUAR to demonstrate that it had achieved a high standard of unit capability.

“Commodore Rouleau, the ship and crew of HMCS Athabaskan demonstrated a strong and effective leadership role in a series of major NATO exercises, playing an important part in the evolution of NATO naval tactics.” said Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier, Commander of Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM). While serving as the flagship for SNMG 1, HMCS Athabaskan came under the operational control of the Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM). “I have the utmost confidence that Commodore Rouleau and his international staff, will continue to be relevant, responsive and effective as they transfer their flag to HMCS Iroquois for the next six months”, said Lt.-Gen. Gauthier.

HMCS Iroquois is now preparing to take over as the new flagship and provide a high-readiness NATO force capable of deploying on short notice in the event of an escalating conflict. Under the NRF concept, maritime components are expected to carry out seven key missions in time of crisis: non-combatant evacuation, consequence management, counter terrorism, crisis response, embargo operations, initial entry assistance to other Forces and deterrence against potential threats to NATO nations in the maritime environment.

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EDITORS/NEWS DIRECTORS:  For further information please contact JTF(A) public affairs, (902) 427-3766.

Backgrounder on Canada’s command of SNMG 1

Videos and stills of the ship are available at the following Combat Camera websites:

  • Video : Search under HMCS Athabaskan NATO
  • Stills : Search under HMCS Athabaskan

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