Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur gŽnŽral du Canadaa



Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, on the death of Major Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener

July 30, 2006

It has now been confirmed that Canadian Major Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener was one of the four soldiers posted to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in South Lebanon whose lives were tragically cut short on July 25. This sad news underlines the deep concerns raised by the dramatic upsurge in regional hostilities and the tragic toll that they are exacting in human suffering.

Several of the innocent victims have been Canadian. The Al-Akhras family of Montreal, who have my continued sympathies for their many cruel losses, are now joined in their mourning by the family of Major Hess-von Kruedener. 

Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener was a member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. He served under the banner of the United Nations and recognized the vital role that organization plays in fostering and maintaining peace around the world. While our attention in recent days has been turned more to our soldiers in Afghanistan and the dangers that they face, we must not lose sight of the equally crucial work being done day in and day out by Canadian Forces members in other global hot spots. For many years now, the observer mission in the service of which Major Hess-von Kruedener gave his life has helped gather important information on the situation in Southern Lebanon.

We honour his memory and everything he accomplished, and we also pay tribute to the three other soldiers who lost their lives with him. My thoughts go out to their families and loved ones as they grieve this tragic loss.


Media information

Lucie Brosseau
Rideau Hall Press Office
613 998-0287 or 613 301-6252

Created: 2006-07-30
Updated: 2006-07-30
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