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Photo: A Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata. Text: Help our bird gallery take flight.


Adopt Your Favourite Feathered Friend

Ottawa, July 24, 2006 -- Want to befriend a Blue Jay or a Black-capped Chickadee? How about a Peregrine Falcon or a Great Blue Heron? The Canadian Museum of Nature giving Canadians the chance to take a bird "under their wing" in the new Adopt-a-Bird initiative to support public education about bird diversity and conservation in Canada.

Funds raised through the Adopt-a-Bird programme will go towards complementary national educational programming for Nature's new Bird Gallery, which opens this winter at the Victoria Memorial Museum Building in Ottawa, the public exhibition site of the Canadian Museum of Nature. This initiative is part of Nature's Natural Partnerships Campaign, which is a national fundraising project to raise $10 million for new galleries and national public education programmes. To date, the campaign has reached 70% of its goal.

Close to 500 bird species found in Canada will be handsomely represented in a bright and airy, newly-created exhibition space. This tranquil gallery -- with 380 specimens, one of the largest collections of birds on display in the world -- will provide an ideal setting for observation and study. Designed to be interactive, auditory, visual and educational, the exhibition will serve as a life-sized bird-watching field guide and is sure to inspire visitors of all interest-levels to venture further into the world of birding. There will even be a section on how to care for injured birds that is designed to appeal to children.

An Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) specimen from the gallery.The adoption is symbolic: no live birds or specimens will be distributed to the public. Participants will "adopt" one species from a choice of 10. Donors of $50 or more will receive an adoption certificate and an official receipt. Gifts of $100 or more will also receive an attractive musical plush replica bird and invitation to the annual special event for donors. Pledge forms are available at 28 Scotiabank locations in the Ottawa area (excluding Kanata and Orleans).

Three floors of exhibitions will open on October 20 in the museum's renovated west side -- the first major milestone in Nature's five-year Renewal Project. In 2004, renovations began on the Victoria Memorial Museum Building for structural and mechanical upgrades, improved amenities, the construction of a south wing with a modern shipping and receiving entrance and, of course, new galleries. The west side reopening falls on the Museum's 150th anniversary year: it was in 1856 that the Geological Survey of Canada, the Museum's predecessor, received its first funding from Parliament to create a national museum.

The Canadian Museum of Nature is a Crown corporation and Canada's national museum of natural history and natural sciences. It promotes awareness of Canada's natural heritage through permanent and travelling exhibitions, public education programmes, active scientific research, a dynamic Web site, and the maintenance of a 10-million-specimen collection.

Media Contact

Dan Smythe
Senior Media Relations Officer
613.566.4781 or 1.800.263.4433

Laura Sutin
Media Relations/Communications Officer
613.566.4793 or 1.800.263.4433


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