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Transportation Safety Board of Canada
2006-2007 Business Plan

Table of Contents



2.1 Prioritizing and Managing the Workload
2.2 Maintaining a Knowledgeable and Professional Workforce
2.3 Implementing and Sustaining the Transportation Investigation Information Management System (TIIMS)
2.4 Sustaining External Communications


3.1 Continuous Improvement of Internal Processes and Practices
3.2 Continuous Improvement of Human Resources Management
3.3 Sustainable Communication Services and Products
3.4 Business Continuity Planning
3.5 Ongoing Development of Partnerships


4.1 Continuous Improvement of Internal Processes and Practices
4.2 Continuous Improvement of Human Resources Management
4.3 Sustainable Communication Services and Products
4.4 Business Continuity Planning
4.5 Ongoing Development of Partnerships


5.1 Executive
5.1.1 Executive Director
5.1.2 Communications
5.2 Investigation Operations
5.2.1 Air
5.2.2 Marine
5.2.3 Rail/Pipeline
5.2.4 Engineering
5.2.5 Report Production
5.2.6 Macro-Analysis
5.2.7 Human Performance
5.3 Corporate Services
5.3.1 Finance and Administration
5.3.2 Human Resources
5.3.3 Information Management
5.3.4 Informatics
5.3.5 Corporate Planning and Reporting



7.1 Balanced Scorecard
7.2 Results Chain
7.3 Performance Information Table

©  Minister of Public Works and Government Services 2006

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1.0 Introduction

Consistent with previous years, the 2006-2007 TSB Business Plan defines our corporate priorities for the coming year and identifies key initiatives in support of these priorities. This Business Plan also includes branch/division priorities that establish linkages to our day-to-day activities, as well as a framework to help us measure our performance and results.

Once again this year, difficult choices had to be made in order to balance the level of activity to be undertaken with the financial and human resources available. Furthermore, even though significant progress has been made on the Transportation Investigation Information Management System (TIIMS), a considerable investment of time and money will be required to implement the initial components and to complete the residual developmental work. The senior management team has therefore made a decision to limit the number of new initiatives and projects to be undertaken over the coming year. However, good planning and ongoing attention to resource management should enable us to face this challenge and successfully deliver on our mandate.

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2.0 Risks and Challenges

The TSB faces many risks and challenges that have a potentially significant impact on the organization's ability to achieve its mandate. Managers are aware of these risks and challenges and are expected to take appropriate action to mitigate the risks while ensuring the delivery of the mandate. The most important challenges for 2006-2007 are described in the following paragraphs.

2.1 Prioritizing and Managing the Workload

The TSB is facing a number of internal and external demands not only to sustain existing activities but also to undertake new initiatives to meet government change requirements, such as human resources modernization and procurement reform, and to mitigate risks in areas such as information technology security and business continuity planning. Our challenge lies in achieving all of this within a limited resource base. We must therefore find the right balance between the level of activity to be undertaken and the capacity of available human and financial resources. This implies an ongoing review of products, services and processes to ensure that resources are applied in the best possible way to achieve optimum results.


Maintaining a Knowledgeable and Professional Workforce

The TSB, like many organizations, faces a particular challenge with respect to its workforce. Many positions are "one deep" - meaning that there is only one person responsible for a specific task or function. Over the next few years, the TSB must continue to operate effectively while many key employees and managers move into retirement. We must also contend with a high turnover rate in some of the functional support areas of Corporate Services due to the high demand for such specialists across the Public Service. We must therefore ensure that we are adequately prepared to fill any gaps and to secure the proper transfer of knowledge to new employees.

The 2005 Public Service Employee Survey will provide us with a current assessment of employee satisfaction and concerns. Sustained efforts will then be required to respond to employee concerns, including issues related to career development and job classification. Here again, our challenge will be to allocate resources and efforts in a manner that can strike the right balance between addressing employee concerns and fulfilling all our other obligations.

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Implementing and Sustaining the Transportation Investigation Information Management System (TIIMS)

We have invested substantial resources, time and effort in the development of an internal information system to better manage our business while meeting government requirements with respect to information management and technology. As the rollout of TIIMS is undertaken, we will encounter specific challenges related to change management and temporarily increased workloads for some employees. These challenges will need to be addressed through training and ongoing reviews and monitoring of the operation of the system. Furthermore, significant work remains to be done to complete the development of the full functionality required. This residual work will have to be done in parallel with the initial rollout. In order to make the implementation and sustainability of TIIMS a success, the management team must ensure that full employee buy-in and participation is achieved. Sustained investments will also be required to operate and maintain the new TIIMS work environment. Not meeting these challenges would result in the loss of resources invested to date and would have a significant impact on the delivery of products and services, given that we have made a conscious decision not to revert to old tools and systems. Anything less than full adoption and use of TIIMS would result in a loss of productivity and create inefficiencies in our work processes.

2.4 Sustaining External Communications

The TSB has improved stakeholder awareness of the agency and its work and has better positioned itself to influence key change agents to take actions that lead to improvements in transportation safety. For this planning period, our challenge will be to strike the best balance between enhanced external communication activities and changing stakeholder expectations. We must ensure that external communication products and services are available, up-to-date and of a high quality in order to retain the levels of integrity and credibility required to fully achieve our mandate.

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3.0 Corporate Priorities

The TSB is committed to providing Canadians with advancements in transportation safety through independent, objective and timely investigations and subsequent identification and analysis of safety failures in the federally regulated transportation system. This can only be achieved through commonly understood corporate priorities and focused efforts by all parts of the organization.

At the Managers' Conference in October 2005, participants conducted an environmental scan and identified eight potential priorities for the 2006-2007 Business Plan. In a subsequent meeting, the Executive Committee decided to retain only the top five priorities for the coming year. In reaching its decision, the Executive Committee recognized that a significant investment would be required to implement and complete residual developmental work on TIIMS. Therefore, there would be limited resources available to undertake new initiatives. The five corporate priorities are described briefly in the following paragraphs.


Continuous Improvement of Internal Processes and Practices

The Transportation Investigation Information Management System was designed to leverage knowledge, capabilities and capacity; eliminate disparate processes and systems; and provide staff with a central and integrated repository of key information and tools. As the initial rollout of TIIMS modules proceeds, we will ensure that a robust change management strategy is in place to support users in the new way of conducting their work. We will also foster a culture of continuous improvement through the development of a long-term sustainability strategy for our operational processes, tools and systems. This strategy will include end-user support, training and ongoing reviews. At the same time, work will continue on the development of outstanding modules. This year, the development emphasis will be on the gateways, the committee workbenches, as well as the data collection and milestone tracking modules.

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Continuous Improvement of Human Resources Management

The TSB will continue to focus on the strategic management of human resources. Management is committed to finalizing the implementation of human resources modernization initiatives in order to meet our human resources obligations under the Public Service Modernization Act. This includes implementing effective human resources planning, a more flexible and responsive resourcing system, and increased delegation and accountability. A major focus will be the implementation of a human resources planning process that fully integrates with the existing business planning cycle. This will help managers to manage their human resources more strategically and facilitate employee development, knowledge transfer, succession and staffing activities for the coming years. All TSB managers are expected to take ownership of the human resources planning activities for their respective areas of responsibility.

3.3 Sustainable Communication Services and Products

In the past few years, we have increased public awareness of the TSB's mission and mandate through the development of internal and external communication services and products such as expanded use of the Internet, the TSB corporate video, an outreach program and a speakers' bureau. For this planning cycle, our priority will be to ensure the currency, visibility and availability of communication products and services while developing a long-term sustainability strategy for the management of the tools. We will also maintain our stakeholder outreach program, thereby capitalizing on opportunities for Board members and senior staff to meet with stakeholders and discuss key safety messages.

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3.4 Business Continuity Planning

We have made significant improvements to our management processes, tools and systems over the past few years. We must now protect our investments by ensuring we are able to deliver our products and services without disruption. Starting from a revised corporate risk profile, we will identify essential services and assets. Threat and risk assessments will be conducted, and plans will be developed to mitigate the risks identified. Although a significant focus will be on achieving compliance with the Management of Information Technology Security standards, work will also be done in other areas such as materiel management and information management. We will also review our organizational readiness to respond to major occurrences in all modes.

3.5 Ongoing Development of Partnerships

The TSB collaborates with many organizations in the course of its operational and administrative activities. A strategic review was therefore undertaken in 2005-2006 in order to develop a framework for the management of such partnerships. Once completed, this framework will be used to review and reinforce current arrangements and memorandums of understanding. We are also committed to seeking potential opportunities to establish new partnerships that will help achieve our objectives and fulfill our mandate.

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4.0 Detailed Action Plans for 2006-2007

The Action Plans in this section provide detailed information about each corporate priority for 2006-2007. As our resources and our human capacity are limited, the Executive Committee only approved a few projects for new investment this year. However, ongoing activities and projects initiated in previous years will be continued. Managers are encouraged to incorporate, to the extent possible, activities related to these priorities into their Operational Work Plans without incurring any new significant investments of time or money.

The following summary table shows the projects identified for strategic investment and links them to our corporate priorities.

Investment Project Priority
1 - TIIMS • Continuous Improvement of Internal
   Processes and Practices
2 - TSB Lexicon • Sustainable Communication Services
   and Products
3 - Business Continuity Plans • Business Continuity Planning
4 - Management of IT Security Standards • Business Continuity Planning

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Continuous Improvement of Internal Processes and Practices

The main activities under this priority will focus on the TIIMS project, as described in the table below. Other ongoing activities and projects will also continue. For instance, lessons learned from major investigations (e.g. SR111, MK Airlines, Air France, BC Ferries) will be reviewed and incorporated into standard business practices. Action plans will be developed and implemented in response to the findings of internal audits. Operational and corporate manuals and procedures will be updated. Financial and human resources delegation charts will be reviewed and updated.

Project 1: TIIMS
Project Sponsor
Terry Burtch
Project Leader
Elizabeth McCullough
Resources Allocated
Project Goals & Objectives / Activity Description

To continue building stronger information management practices into TSB investigation activities. TIIMS will improve the linkages to systems throughout the TSB and upgrade the technology and ease of use of TSB's modal databases.

Link to Strategic Plan and Management Accountability Framework (MAF)

Strategic Plan Linkages

•  Safety Products and Services

Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of TSB products in terms of timeliness and quality, and streamlines data, thus having an impact on what information we need to manage.

•  Organizational Effectiveness

Continues building stronger information management practices into TSB investigation activities and will enhance the linkages to systems throughout the TSB by improving TSB's internal information and investigation management capabilities.

•  Alliances and Partnerships

Streamlines and refines our data interdependencies, thus strengthening our partnerships with stakeholders.

•  Awareness

Builds more effective investigation and information management practices into TSB investigation activities to leverage investigation teams' interactions, thereby improving the dissemination of safety information.

MAF Linkages

•  Policy and Programs

Builds stronger capacity in support of the governance committees. Will provide an organized way in which to access policies and procedures, ensuring they will be more consistently applied.

•  Stewardship

Continues to improve the stewardship of, and accountability for, corporate information resources.

•  Results and Performance

Improves internal service by building stronger and more consistent investigation and information management practices to create easy-to-use redesigned support tools for all staff.

•  Learning, Innovation and Change Management

The implementation of TIIMS promotes learning and manages linkages throughout the TSB through continuous technology upgrades. It also builds policy and procedural references into the tools, facilitating the adoption and ongoing evolution of the tools. This will reduce the staff training effort and minimize the need for retraining.

Performance Measures

  • All project deliverables meet user acceptance in terms of ease of use and quality.
  • Project is on time and within budget.
  • Return on investment is realized as per the project concept document.
Action Items Deliverables Timelines
Develop a detailed work plan and clarify roles and responsibilities Detailed project work plan

Updated project charter
June 2006
Implementation and refinement of investigation workspaces Investigation Wizard and planned modules on the Investigation Workspaces are the tools used for all newly launched investigations

Problem/Change Request management system in place

Investigation Practices and Tools Working Group established
August 2006
Finalize migration of Infonet and clean-up of metadata for Reference Centre TSB Reference Centre as the authoritative repository for TSB information in production

Content Provider and Content Administrator Guides in place

Problem/Change Request management system in place
June 2006
Finalize the development and user testing for the TSB InfoGateway, Investigation Management Gateway, Branch Gateways, Committees Gateway and Corporate Management Gateway Gateways are the tools used for managing and communicating TSB information

TSB employees are trained on the use of applicable gateways

Content Provider and Content Administrator Guides in place

Problem/Change Request management system in place
October 2006
Pilot and finalize development of committee workbench prototype

Develop workbenches for sub-committees
Meeting workbench for governance committees support tools (IMC, OC & EC) in place

Meeting workbenches for sub-committees in place
October 2006

January 2007
Redesign the modal database and data entry screens

Analyze the impact on stakeholders of the redesign of the data extracts
Redesigned data collection support tools available for development work to begin

Development work started
March 2007
Finalize design of milestone tracking tool and work log tool for Workload Management module Redesigned tool for tracking milestones and phases of an occurrence investigation available for development work to begin

Design for an investigation work log tool available for development work to begin

Development work started
March 2007
Develop updated file plan for all TSB records New file plans for DGIO, Executive Office and Board, Corporate Services March 2007
Develop a strategy for shared drive clean-up A strategy to go forward to reorganize and clean up shared drives March 2007

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Continuous Improvement of Human Resources Management

No new investment projects have been approved under this priority. This year's efforts will concentrate on the continuation, advancement and completion of a number of initiatives undertaken over the past two years.

Residual work on the implementation of the human resources modernization initiative will be completed. This includes the delegation of staffing authorities to designated managers and the implementation of the human resources planning framework. Each branch will develop its own human resources plan, which will then feed into the overall HR component of our annual Business Plan. Starting in 2007-2008, the TSB Business Plan will incorporate a new human resources planning section.

Our new employee performance management policy and tools will be fully implemented. The new government learning policy will also be implemented. Efforts will be made to advance the development of learning plans and the implementation of the corporate learning tools across the organization. Further to the Official Languages review of all TSB positions, an action plan will be completed and implemented to ensure compliance with the Official Languages Act and related Treasury Board policies. Further work will be done to review and update our occupational health and safety policies and practices. Plans will also be developed and implemented to ensure follow-up to the findings of the Public Service Human Resources Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC) classification monitoring exercise and to fully implement the cyclical review process.

Upon receipt of our departmental results from the 2005 Public Service Employee Survey, analysis will done to identify issues of interest for the TSB. A working group will be convened to review the results and propose a departmental action plan that responds to the key issues identified. Senior managers will also be asked to develop and implement their own action plans to address issues specific to their organizational units.

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4.3 Sustainable Communication Services and Products

One new strategic investment project has been approved under this priority. This year we will develop and implement a departmental lexicon and make it available online to all employees. This project is described in the table below.

Our stakeholder outreach program will continue, with some temporary adjustments due to the staff turnover in the Communications Division. Actions will be taken to consolidate the TSB Annual Report with the Departmental Performance Report effective with the 2006-2007 reporting cycle. Efforts will also be made to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of external communication products and services. A long-term sustainability strategy will then be developed for selected products and services.

Project 2: TSB Lexicon
Project Sponsor
Terry Burtch
Project Leader
Jacynthe Dubé
Resources Allocated

Project Goals & Objectives / Activity Description

Develop a centralized repository of TSB terms and definitions and provide access to all employees to this terminology database as a complement to Termium. This new tool will save time and money in the translation and editing process and improve the quality and consistency of TSB reports, other communication products as well as internal manuals and documentation.

Link to Strategic Plan and Management Accountability Framework (MAF)

Strategic Plan Linkages

•  Safety Products and Services

Improves the efficiency and effectiveness of TSB products in terms of timeliness, quality and consistency.

•  Organizational Effectiveness

Provides an additional tool to employees to facilitate their work, thereby saving time and money. Minimizes the level of effort required to edit investigation reports and other communication products.

MAF Linkages

•  Results and Performance

Improves the timeliness and contributes to ensuring the consistent quality of investigation reports and other communication products.

•  Risk Management

Mitigates risks associated with the use of inaccurate or inconsistent terminology. This is particularly important in the context of significant staff or management turnover.

•  Learning, Innovation and Change Management

Facilitates learning and the transfer of knowledge to new employees.

Performance Measures
  • Project deliverables meet user acceptance in terms of use and quality.
  • Project is on time and within budget.
  • Compliance with requirements of the Official Languages policies.
Action Items Deliverables Timelines
Purchase and install a software package to manage the terminology database Operational system ready to load data October 2006
Review and validate TSB-specific terms included in the TIIMS lexicon and load the information into the system Initial terminology database January 2007
Roll out the terminology database to the editors and selected employees Initial implementation and use of the system March 2007
Update and expand the terminology database as documents are created, translated and edited Expanded terminology database December 2007
Extend access to the database to all TSB employees through the TIIMS gateway environment Fully implemented system March 2008

* Resources allocated cover only the 2006-2007 portion of the project.

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4.4 Business Continuity Planning

Two new strategic investment projects have been approved under this priority. The first project aims to develop business continuity plans for the organization, and the second focuses on ensuring that our IT and IM assets are adequately protected. Both projects will require significant investments of time and money. Senior management has therefore decided to phase in the required work over a two-year period in order to balance the investments required with the availability of resources. These projects will be launched this year but will likely carry on throughout 2007-2008. Progress will be evaluated during the course of the year, and should additional resources (people and dollars) become available, the timeline may be adjusted and more work may be completed this year. The two projects are described in the following tables.

Project 3: Business Continuity Planning
Project Sponsor
Jean L. Laporte
Project Leader
Jean L. Laporte
Resources Allocated

Project Goals & Objectives / Activity Description

Develop and implement departmental business continuity plans to ensure the continued availability of TSB services and associated assets that are critical to the delivery of our mandate to Canadians. These plans will include provisions to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster affecting the TSB, as well as provisions to ensure business continuity in the event of a major transportation occurrence investigation (e.g. Swissair 111).

Link to Strategic Plan and Management Accountability Framework (MAF)

Strategic Plan Linkages

•  Organizational Effectiveness

Ensures that plans, assets and tools are in place to mitigate risks, thereby minimizing disruptions and ensuring business continuity in the delivery of the TSB mandate.

•  Alliances and Partnerships

Leverages external and internal alliances and partnerships to ensure continuity of services.

MAF Linkages

•  Risk Management

Ensures that plans, assets and tools are in place to mitigate risks, thereby minimizing disruptions and ensuring business continuity in the delivery of the TSB mandate.

•  Stewardship

Contributes to the protection of assets and information under the control of the TSB. Ensures cost-effective and efficient use of resources allocated to risk mitigation.

•  Results and Performance

Contributes to timely and effective delivery of TSB products and services and to the definition of performance and results metrics.

•  Accountability

Ensures that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and that delegation of authority is appropriate for emergency response situations.

•  Governance and Strategic Directions

Ensures that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and in place to provide effective strategic direction during emergency response situations.

•  Learning, Innovation and Change Management

Builds upon the lessons learned from major occurrence investigations and small disruptions to normal business activities.

Performance Measures
  • Project is completed on time and within budget.
  • Full compliance with Treasury Board standards.
  • Business continuity plans are tested and demonstrated to be effective.
Action Items Deliverables Timelines
Identify essential services and define minimal service levels acceptable List of essential services with corresponding service levels November 2006
Identify critical assets and information resources required to deliver essential services List of critical assets and information resources December 2006
Develop business impact assessments for service disruptions Impact assessment reports March 2007
Develop business contingency plans and business resumption plans Completed business continuity plans June 2007
Implement and test the business continuity plans Full implementation of business continuity plans September 2007
Establish ongoing governance and review process for business continuity plans Documented process October 2007

* Resources allocated cover only the 2006-2007 portion of the project.

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Project 4: Management of IT Security Standards
Project Sponsor
Charlotte Farmer
Project Leader
Marc Lalande and Robert Mageau
Resources Allocated
Project Goals & Objectives / Activity Description

Review and upgrade current IT security measures to achieve compliance with the Treasury Board IT security standards and thereby ensure the protection of TSB IT assets and infrastructure, as well as the TSB electronic information repositories.

Link to Strategic Plan and Management Accountability Framework (MAF) Strategic Plan Linkages

•  Organizational Effectiveness

Contributes to ensuring the continued operational capability of the organization to deliver its products and services. Helps optimize the investments in and the organization of human, financial and physical resources.

MAF Linkages

•  Risk Management

Ensures that plans, assets and tools are in place to mitigate risks, thereby minimizing disruptions and potential losses of information.

•  Stewardship

Contributes to the protection of assets and information under the control of the TSB. Ensures integrated and effective controls are in place. Ensures cost-effective and efficient use of resources allocated to risk mitigation.

•  Accountability

Ensures that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined.

•  Learning, Innovation and Change Management

Provides a framework and tools to track and record incidents, draw lessons learned, and promote continuous organizational learning.

Performance Measures
  • Project is completed on time and within budget.
  • Deliverables completed as per report to Treasury Board Secretariat on the TSB's compliance with Management of Information Technology Security Standards (MITSS)
Action Items Deliverables Timelines
Acquire, configure and implement web and email content filtering system Web and email content filtering June 2006
Acquire, configure and implement intrusion detection and prevention system Intrusion detection and prevention system and incident reporting procedures September 2006
Implement changes to standard workstation configurations Standard workstation configuration implemented across the network December 2006
Conduct detailed threat and risk assessments of network infrastructure, major IT systems and physical accommodation Threat and risk assessment reports March 2007
Develop and deliver security awareness training to all TSB employees All employees are trained and a program is established to orient new employees December 2007
Review and update all departmental IT security policies and procedures Complete and up-to-date IT security policies and procedures December 2007

* Resources allocated cover only the 2006-2007 portion of the project.

4.5 Ongoing Development of Partnerships

No new investment projects have been approved under this priority. Work will continue on finalizing a framework and policy for the development and management of partnerships. Once completed, this framework will be used to review and reinforce existing partnership arrangements (memorandums of understanding). New partnership opportunities will also be identified and analyzed against the framework. New partnerships will be established where appropriate.

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5.0 Branch/Division Priorities

In addition to corporate priorities, individual Directors General, Directors and managers have established branch and division priorities for their areas of responsibility. This section outlines the priorities for each branch and division. These priorities are extracted from the Operational Work Plans of each area and directly link to the individual work objectives of managers. These are not the only priorities of managers, but they are the key ones that will contribute to the achievement of our strategic outcome. For more details, please consult the Operational Work Plans.

5.1 Executive

5.1.1 Executive Director

This year, the main focus will be on the transition to a new Executive Director. Time and resources will be placed on familiarizing the new Executive Director with the TSB, its activities and operating practices, as well as with our key stakeholders. Initial efforts will be aimed at ensuring a comprehensive transfer of knowledge between the retiring and incoming Executive Directors.

5.1.2 Communications

The priority of the Communications Division for the reporting period will be to maintain a high level of visibility amongst Canadians for the TSB's contribution to transportation safety. To this end, we will continue to use the media in support of the public release of investigation reports, and use our Public Awareness Program to sustain attention on the Board's safety recommendations and findings amongst change agents. In addition, we will strengthen the government relations function and formalize its processes. Finally, we will develop guiding principles for conducting those public affairs activities that take place prior to the release of an investigation report.

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5.2 Investigation Operations

In 2006-2007, the main focus of the Investigation Operations Directorate will be the rollout and implementation of TIIMS. Significant time and resources will be dedicated to this corporate project in order to ensure its success. Emphasis will also be placed on the staffing of key managerial positions and on integrating and strengthening investigator training activities. Finally, work will continue on the development and strengthening of partnerships.

5.2.1 Air

The primary Air Branch priority for the 2006-2007 fiscal year will be to continue to strengthen the investigation capabilities of the Branch to ensure that the results of investigation activities satisfy the Board's objectives for professional, timely, accurate and objective reports and safety communications to advance transportation safety interests in Canada and abroad. Key indicators of success will be the Branch's ability to keep the median time for completing investigation reports to less than 15 months and the number of investigations started at a level that does not exceed the Branch's ability to produce reports; currently, this would be approximately 60 investigations per year.

The Air Branch will also develop and maintain professional relationships with other organizations within and outside the TSB. This will include collaborative efforts to develop investigation policies, standards and procedures, as well as establishing and exploiting formal and informal partnerships with industry, regulators and other investigative agencies, from both a domestic and international perspective.

5.2.2 Marine

The priority for the Marine Branch this fiscal year will be to restore its operational capacity, which was degraded as a result of substantial loss of corporate memory in recent months. The focus will be on staffing the Director and Manager of Standards and Performance positions at the Head Office, as well as on succession planning for two other senior managers expected to retire this year. The Marine Branch will adopt a strategy-focused approach to achieve its goals of ensuring the continuity and stability of service delivery.

Efforts to establish and maintain professional relationships will continue, particularly internationally, with a view to incorporating standardized strategic objectives in the investigation of marine accidents worldwide. Work currently under way respecting partnering in identified projects will continue and be expanded, and other possibilities will be identified and exploited as required.

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5.2.3 Rail/Pipeline

The focus of Rail/Pipeline Branch activities will be on ensuring the quality and timeliness of investigation reports, and on providing support to the TIIMS project with the testing of prototype systems to enhance investigations. At the same time, the Branch will continue to work with Public Affairs to optimize communication of the safety lessons learned in each investigation. Work will also continue on finalizing memorandums of understanding with provincial governments for the conduct of investigations on their behalf.

5.2.4 Engineering

The Engineering Branch will strive to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of TSB products in terms of timeliness and quality by reducing the mean completion time of Engineering projects by 20% from the previous year, cross-training personnel, and optimizing the use of alliances and partnerships.

The Branch will also support the identification and communication of safety deficiencies in the marine, pipeline, rail and air transportation systems by ensuring that Engineering reports are conducive to the identification of safety deficiencies in the transportation systems, and by improving the frequency and quality of communications.

5.2.5 Report Production

The main priority of the Division will remain the timely and efficient production of all TSB public documents. The team will strive to limit the backlog to no more than 30 reports, while producing and releasing final investigation reports throughout the year.

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5.2.6 Macro-Analysis

In addition to ongoing data analysis and reporting, the Division will help to ensure the implementation of TIIMS by providing technical support to the Data Collection Module, rewriting data extraction routines following the Oracle to SQL conversion, and developing new milestone tracking routines.

The Division also will support safety issues investigation activity by delivering a training program on appropriate methodologies and exploring external partnerships as sources for transportation data.

5.2.7 Human Performance

In addition to identification of human factor safety deficiencies in transportation occurrences, the Division will continue to focus on enhancing human performance training. This will include closer alignment with investigation management training and the incorporation of a one-day human factors interviewing course, with the aim of merging the courses into a broader integrated TSB indoctrination course. The Division will also continue to provide recurrent training through modal workshops, regional visits and other activities.

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5.3 Corporate Services

Once again this year, the priorities of the Corporate Services Directorate will be largely driven by the government-wide agenda. Focus will be placed on implementing the government's new accountability measures. Work will continue on the conduct of internal audit projects, and implementation of the new internal audit policy will be initiated.

5.3.1 Finance and Administration

This year, the Finance and Administration Division will undertake a detailed review of departmental budget allocation processes and practices. The implementation of the Travel Modernization project will continue with the rollout of various tools (electronic travel authority and travel claim forms). We will also continue to implement the government's procurement reform (The Way Forward) and the new Government of Canada Marketplace (GOCM) electronic procurement tools. Financial and administrative policies will be reviewed and updated. Office and warehousing space will be reviewed to rationalize space utilization. A greater focus will also be placed on regular communications with administrative officers across the TSB.

5.3.2 Human Resources

This will be a consolidation year for the implementation of all human resources management modernization components. Particular focus will be placed on implementing and managing the staffing sub-delegation framework and closely monitoring its effectiveness and efficiency. Official Languages will also be an important element of the Division's operational plan; we will develop and implement an action plan further to the review of the linguistic profiles of TSB positions recently completed by an external consultant.

Another challenge will be the development of an action plan in response to the PSHRMAC monitoring of the TSB classification program and files. The TSB will be expected to respond in a short time frame to the series of recommendations contained in the report. Throughout 2006-2007, the Division will guide senior management in the implementation of the new Government of Canada Learning Policy; assist managers in finalizing their first Human Resources Plans; and assist managers and employees with, and monitor, the new Performance Management Program.

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5.3.3 Information Management

This year, the focus will be on finalizing and implementing an updated file plan for records related to corporate services, and on developing a file plan for all remaining types of TSB records (i.e. records not related to specific investigations or to corporate services) in preparation for the introduction of an electronic records management solution. Resources will be dedicated to supporting the TIIMS project from an Information Management perspective. Approved plans for the staffing of the TSB corporate library will also be implemented.

5.3.4 Informatics

There are two major priorities for the Informatics Division in 2006-2007. First, efforts will be dedicated to the deployment of the TIIMS system and the establishment of change management and maintenance procedures for its ongoing support. Second, work will continue on the development and implementation of enhanced IT security measures in accordance with our commitments for the implementation of the government's Management of IT Security Standards.

5.3.5 Corporate Planning and Reporting

This year the Corporate Planning and Reporting Section will focus its efforts on the completion of the corporate risk profile and the implementation of an integrated risk management process. Work will continue toward the approval of the consolidation of the TSB Annual Report and the Departmental Performance Report in time for the 2006-2007 reporting cycle. The Section will also collaborate with the Human Resources Division to incorporate a new HR planning section in the annual Business Plan effective 2007-2008.

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6.0 2006-2007 Resource Allocation

Budgets for fiscal year 2006-2007 were approved by the Executive Committee on February 23, 2006. Approved allocations are shown in the following table.

Responsibility Centre Salaries
Executive 1,445,695 15,000 459,751 1,920,446
Corporate Services 3,357,991 27,500 2,088,000 5,473,491
Investigation Operations 14,287,346 804,985 3,281,410 18,373,741
Total 19,091,032 847,485 5,829,161 25,767,678
Business Plan Projects 200,000 - 518,000 718,000
Capital Asset Replacement - - 482,650 482,650
Major Investigations - 30,000 163,672 193,672
Grand Total 19,291,032 877,485 6,993,483 27,162,000

The table below shows the allocation of resources by major organizational unit within the Investigation Operations Directorate.

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O + M / Capital
Engineering 2,172,446 31,400 698,756 2,902,602
Air 5,469,603 310,695 1,200,593 6,980,891
Marine 2,124,643 228,400 334,471 2,687,514
Rail/Pipeline 2,115,417 222,608 221,900 2,559,925
Other Responsibility Centres 2,405,237 11,882 825,690 3,242,809
Total Investigation Operations 14,287,346 804,985 3,281,410 18,373,741

Funding from the 2006-2007 base budget has been specifically set aside for the Business Plan projects. Approved allocations for Business Plan priorities and key initiatives are shown in the following table.

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Priorities Key Initiatives Resources Allocated ($)
1 - Continuous Improvement of Internal Processes and Practices 1 - TIIMS 550,000
2 - Continuous Improvement of Human Resources Management    
3 - Sustainable Communication Services and Products 2 - TSB Lexicon 23,000
4 - Business Continuity Planning 3 - Business Continuity Plans 25,000
4 - Management of Information Technology Security Standards 120,000
Total 718,000

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7.0 Performance Measurement

For a plan to be useful, it must be measurable. This is important so that feedback can be provided to decision-makers, and any necessary follow-up action can be taken to update or better manage activities. The ability to measure and communicate results focuses managers and employees on the critical drivers and enables us to align our indicators and action plans throughout the entire organization.

7.1 Balanced Scorecard

The TSB has developed a Balanced Scorecard that will be used to measure organizational performance. This Scorecard will provide performance information from four different perspectives: financial, client/stakeholder, internal business processes, and learning and growth.

The financial perspective makes linkages between operational and financial results. Financial analysis will be used to evaluate the cost of investigations. Financial results will be benchmarked between modes and with other safety investigation organizations.

The client/stakeholder perspective will measure the TSB's performance through stakeholder feedback and stakeholder action. First, stakeholder awareness and satisfaction will be measured on a cyclical basis through formal and informal processes. Then, stakeholder action based on the TSB's work will be measured by tracking responses to TSB recommendations and safety actions taken.

Finally, the TSB will continue to measure transportation occurrence rates as an ultimate measure of the achievement of its strategic outcome.

Results from the internal business processes perspective will be measured with the use of productivity ratio analysis and benchmarking of results between modes, as well as with other safety investigation organizations.

Under the learning and growth perspective, the TSB will measure employee satisfaction, investments in employee training, and employee attrition rates. Finally, the TSB will assess its management capacity against the Treasury Board's Management Accountability Framework (MAF).

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The figure below graphically illustrates the TSB's Balanced Scorecard. The Balanced Scorecard helps us focus on our strategic measures and their targets. The Scorecard outlines the measures that will be used to assess our results in order to demonstrate that our program is providing value for Canadians. This realistic and logical approach is characterized by measuring progress toward the results that are sought, having the flexibility to be able to adjust our activities to better meet these expectations, and reporting on the results accomplished. This directly links what our employees are doing and their immediate products.

Figure 1 - TSB's balanced scorecard

Figure 1. 

TSB's Balanced Scorecard

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The following table summarizes the key performance indicators included in the Scorecard with appropriate links to the current year's priorities.

Perspective Performance Indicators Link to Priorities
Financial Cost of investigations 1
Cost of Business Plan projects All 5 priorities
Client/Stakeholder Stakeholder awareness 1 + 3
Stakeholder satisfaction (quality + timeliness) 1 + 3
Responsiveness to TSB recommendations 1 + 3
Timely safety actions taken per investigation 1 + 3
Occurrence rates 1
Safety outputs issued 1 + 3
Internal Business Processes Number of investigations in process 1
Average time in process 1
Posting of reports on web site 1+3
Investigations started and completed per investigator 1
Implementation of business continuity planning 4
Learning & Growth Employee satisfaction 2
Investment in training per person 2
Employee attrition rates (excluding retirement) 2
Effective use of partnerships 5
Management Accountability Framework implementation 1+2+4

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7.2 Results Chain

In order to demonstrate how our activities and outputs are expected to lead to the achievement of our strategic outcome, we have developed a basic Results Chain. The Results Chain, shown below, provides an organizational "road map" for the TSB, helping to ensure we clearly link our resources, activities and outputs to our strategic outcome. It enables us to connect our appropriations from Parliament to the ultimate result we strive to achieve as an organization.

Figure 2 - The basic Results Chain

Figure 2. 

The basic Results Chain

The key elements of performance measurement are defined below to ensure a common understanding.

Activities: actions used to produce outputs and results

Outputs: products or services provided to stakeholders

Expected Results: accomplishments of value to Canadians

Performance Indicators: measures of what will be tracked over time

Performance Measures: yardsticks used to judge how well we have done (includes target, data source, frequency of measure).

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7.3 Performance Information Table

By combining our approved Program Activity Architecture, the Results Chain and our Balanced Scorecard, we can build a detailed performance information table. The following figure illustrates these linkages.

Figure 3 - Program Activity Architecture

Figure 3. 

Program Activity Architecture

The following performance information table is a work in progress. It constitutes a progressive attempt at structured performance measurement. Thus, as we progress we will need to evaluate whether we are measuring the right elements in the right manner, so that we can modify and adjust our indicators and measure for future cycles. For 2006-2007, this performance information table will be used as the foundation upon which performance data will be collected, consolidated and reported in the annual Departmental Performance Report. This performance information will also be used to assess progress against our Strategic Plan and to inform management decisions.

Indicator Measures
Target* Data Sources / Collection Method Frequency / Time Frame
Cost of Business Plan projects
  • Dollars spent per project
Within specified budget Financial system project reports Quarterly
Cost of investigations
  • Class 2s

  • Class 3s


  Financial system project reports Quarterly
Other operating costs   Financial system reports Ongoing collection & then annual reporting
Stakeholder & client awareness of TSB profile & impact
  • Survey

  • Number of hits on web site

  • Number of formal occasions where TSB consults/meets with stakeholders

  • Number of formal speaking opportunities received /accepted

  • Number of requests for information (formal & informal)


Conduct formal survey

IT logs

Work plans & activity logs of Communications & Directors

Communications log

Communications & ATIP

Every 5 to 10 years






Stakeholder satisfaction
  • Survey

  • Average time in process

  • Feedback received from reviewers of confidential draft report (CDR)

Conduct formal survey of stakeholders

Modes collect qualitative information

Modes collect qualitative information
Every 5 to 10 years


Timely availability of safety information on the web (time lag between initial distribution of finished products & when they are posted)
  • Statistics
  • Investigation reports
  Report Production Division Annual
Timely availability of other TSB information on the web (time lag between initial distribution of finished products & when they are posted)
  • Annual Report
  • Departmental Performance Report/Report on Plans and Priorities
  • Business Plan
  Report Production Division Annual
Timely safety actions taken
  • During investigations
  • After report release
  Modes collect qualitative information Ongoing collection & then annual reporting
Responsiveness to TSB recommendations & advisories
  • Board assessment of responses to recommendations & advisories
  Log kept by each mode recording responses to recommendations & advisories Annual
Safety outputs issued
  • Number of reports released
  • Number of recommendations issued
  • Number of safety advisories
  • Number of issues of Reflexions magazine published
  Report Production & Macro-Analysis divisions

Report Production & Macro-Analysis divisions

Number of investigations in process   Macro-Analysis Quarterly
Average time in process   Macro-Analysis Quarterly
Investigations completed per investigator   Ratio of the number of investigations completed to the number of investigators in each mode Quarterly
Employee job satisfaction
  • Survey


  • Informal qualitative feedback


  • Number of formal complaints & grievances received

Conduct employee survey 




Human Resources

Every 5 years 

Continuous with annual summation

Investment in training per person
  • Average dollars spent on training per investigator
    by mode
  • Per employee for other staff
  Financial system Quarterly
Employee attrition rates
  • Rate of employees leaving the TSB for:
  • Retirement
  • Other reasons
  Human Resources Information System Annual
Effective use of partnerships
  • Number of formal agreements in place at year end
  • Qualitative examples resulting in cost avoidance or efficiencies for the TSB

Legal counsel & directors




Human Resources modernization deliverables Complete implementation as per plan Managers' feedback and monitoring by Human Resources Annual
Management Accountability Framework   As per Treasury Board template Annual

* For most indicators, targets have yet to be defined by management, given that baseline data are not readily available. Specific targets will be defined during the course of the year.

Updated: 2006-07-27

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