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News Release

For Release
July 13, 2006

Developing Technology for a Healthier Canada: $3.5 Million Investment in Siemens Institute for Advanced Medicine

WINNIPEG, Manitoba – The Winnipeg Partnership Agreement is making a $3.5 million investment towards the construction of the Siemens Institute for Advanced Medicine at the Health Sciences Centre that will result in better detection and treatment of illnesses.

The Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Honourable Dave Chomiak, Manitoba Minister of Energy, Science and Technology and Deputy Mayor Mike Pagtakhan, City of Winnipeg, made the announcement today.

“Better health care for Canadians is a priority of the Government of Canada,” said Toews, on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Minister of Western Economic Diversification. “Advanced medical research produces new technologies to deliver quality, innovative and efficient healthcare.”

“This institute will conduct research to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases, and discover improved methods of neurosurgery and advances in neurological sciences,” said Chomiak, on behalf of the Honourable Scott Smith, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade. “This is a good fit with Manitoba’s commitment to research and development, preventative medicine and our growing role as a centre for innovative research in the health and technology fields.”

“Investments such as this one are important to the City of Winnipeg.  They provide valuable research; they attract highly skilled individuals and research dollars to our City, and most importantly, they provide huge health benefits,” said Pagtakhan.  “We are pleased to be a partner in this endeavour.”

The Siemens Institute of Advanced Medicine is expected to employ up to 300 highly skilled individuals and attract as much as $30 million annually in research and development funding. 

“We have already begun to see the impact of the Siemens Institute with the recruitment of a number of new clinical and scientific leaders whose programs will be in the new institute,” said Dr. Brock Wright, Chief Operating Officer of the Health Sciences Centre. “By providing the space and innovative technology they will have the tools to conduct advanced clinical research for the benefit of all Manitobans.”

Construction is scheduled to begin in fall 2006. The Health Sciences Centre Foundation has committed to raising $10.5 million from the community toward capital costs.

Funding for the project comes from Component IV of the Winnipeg Partnership Agreement.  This component is designed to strengthen Winnipeg’s innovation system by supporting projects that increase the awareness, capacity and use of new technologies. Component IV will also build the necessary infrastructure to promote growth in knowledge-based sectors such as aerospace, life sciences and alternative energy.

The Winnipeg Partnership Agreement was signed in May 2004 and represents a five-year, $75-million commitment by the governments of Canada, Manitoba and Winnipeg to strengthen city neighbourhoods, promote economic development and enable Aboriginal citizens to fully enjoy Winnipeg’s economic and social opportunities.  For program details, please visit www.winnipegpartnership.mb.ca.


For additional information, contact:

Shasta Chartrand
Communications Officer
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Tel: (204) 983-0789
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Diane Coble-Kendall
Communications Coordinator
Communications Services Manitoba
(204) 945-3811

Brad Salyn
Press Secretary
Office of the Mayor
City of Winnipeg
(204) 986-4003

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Clinical research and the delivery of treatment at the Siemens Institute for Advanced Medicine will be centered on four themes: Medicine, Surgery, Medical Imaging, and Medical Informatics. 

The Institute will investigate advances in technology in the areas of infectious diseases, neurological sciences and neurosurgery.  Researchers will explore advanced surgical techniques, while promoting new discoveries in health care treatment and education. They will collect patient data to be able to identify areas of change and assess the effectiveness and the impact of change due to treatment.  Patient safety is therefore improved and resources are better managed. 

The Institute will use medical imaging technology such as the Gamma Knife, Positron Emission Tomography/Computerised (Axial) Tomography (PET/CT) Scanner, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, all diagnostic tools used to identify and/or treat illnesses.  For example, the Gamma Knife can be used to treat selected malignant tumors that arise in or spread to the brain and the PET Scanner can be used to determine blood flow to the heart muscle and help evaluate signs of coronary artery disease.

The Institute will also host a state-of-the-art lecture theatre for scientific lectures, public health forums, and other educational activities. The 200-seat venue will provide a forum for Canada's leading specialists, local and visiting speakers, to share their knowledge, collaborate and learn from each other.

The goals for the Siemens Institute for Advanced Medicine are to:

  • Promote new discoveries in health care treatment and education, improving medical care on a global scale;
  • Provide the people of Manitoba with access to the very best medical professionals;
  • Provide the most up-to-date treatment options for Canadians;
  • Attract and retain specialists to our city and our hospital to study and practice;
  • Enhance the health care research and technology hub in Winnipeg, building on expertise currently existing in our city;
  • Firmly establish Winnipeg as the advanced medicine hub for Canada; and
  • Strengthen our Province's largest health care treatment and trauma centre.

For more information, please contact:
Michele Augert
Director, Corporate Affairs & Communications
Health Sciences Centre
(204) 787-7934