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Tara Tootoo Fotheringham adds new flavour to hospitality in Rankin Inlet

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Owner of Sugar Rush Café wins BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award for Nunavut

(Rankin Inlet, Nunavut– October 17, 2006) Located in one of the coldest regions of North America, Tara Tootoo Fotheringham's 1950's-style café has become a Rankin Inlet hot spot.  Tara, 31, owner of Sugar Rush Café, has earned BDC's Young Entrepreneur Award for Nunavut and will be honoured tonight at a ceremony in Moncton, New Brunswick.

Tara bought the café in September 2005, and converted it from a basic establishment serving Canadian food to a lively 1950's diner with extended hours and an expanded menu that includes more exotic choices such as arctic char sushi, caribou chilli and cappuccino.

Tara's vision involves creating an all-inclusive gathering place for the community, where everyone, including her elders, feel welcome and comfortable. "There's no minimum charge; we're open until 9:00 p.m. and some evenings we stay open even later to let people hang out," she says. "We also let customers use the café for events like receptions."  The café, which has a staff of 12, also includes a gift store, specializing in wedding rings, Northern jewellery and Northern art as well as Southern style items.  "We're also trying to be the main supplier in the region for events like weddings," says Tara.  "We are focusing on putting together packages that include wedding supplies, invitations and cakes."

Building on success
While Tara has owned Sugar Rush for just a year, she's no stranger to the entrepreneurial life.  She has run a Bed and Breakfast from her home since 1999. "We cater to pregnant women who come to the regional birthing centre from the surrounding communities and stay with us until they have the babies," she explains.  "Over the last six years, I've learned a lot about running a business, both through hands-on experience and from making really good contacts."  A management course in Iqualuit has helped her to hone her business skills.

Through the Bed and Breakfast and other community activities in which she is involved, Tara is well known in Rankin Inlet.  Six years ago, she was instrumental in getting the community's second daycare centre up and running and still is very involved in its day-to-day operations on a volunteer basis.  She has worked, since 1996, for the local government as a custom adoption commissioner, arranging Inuit baby adoptions, and was also a hamlet councillor, a role that included involvement in decision-making for the community.

"Tara stands out as a role model for young Canadian entrepreneurs," says BDC President and CEO Jean-René Halde. "She has built a thriving business that takes into account both the traditions and needs of her community.  It's a pleasure to recognize her passion, drive and excellence with this award."

"I've done it all because I believe in it and because I'm enjoying it.  I'm happy to provide my community with another service," Tara says of her latest business venture.  "I really believe it was meant to be."

Recognition for young entrepreneurs
A major feature of Small Business Week, BDC's Young Entrepreneur Awards recognize the entrepreneurial spirit and business success of Canadians between the ages of 19 and 35. The winners – one from each province and territory –  are selected by a committee based on criteria including success, growth potential, innovation, participation in new economy activities and community involvement. The committee also considers export performance, the entrepreneur's age when the business was started and any special challenges overcome.

Small Business Week partners
National partners help make Small Business Week a success. Western Economic Diversification, WestJet, Rogers, Export and Development Canada, CFIB and Intuit Canada are official partners of the 2006 Small Business Week and Young Entrepreneur Awards. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has been a privileged partner of the event since 1981. 

About BDC
BDC is a financial institution wholly owned by the Government of Canada. BDC actively supports the development and growth of Canadian small and medium-sized businesses through its complementary financial, investment and consulting solutions. BDC is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers for 2007.


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