National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canada to host 2008 Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas

NR–06.070 - October 3, 2006

MANAGUA, NICARAGUA – The Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Defence, announced today that the Government of Canada will host the next Conference of Defence Ministers of the Americas (CDMA), scheduled to take place in the fall of 2008. The announcement came on the opening day of the 2006 CDMA, which runs until October 5 in Managua, Nicaragua.
“The CDMA is an important meeting of the defence sector in the American continent, and it is a great honour to be asked to host,” said Minister O’Connor.  “I look forward to welcoming my fellow ministers to Canada, to build upon on the tremendous progress made to date, and to continue working together towards enhancing international peace and security.”

The CDMA is a biennial forum where defence ministers of the American continent gather to discuss a variety of important defence and security issues to foster mutual knowledge, analysis, debate, and exchange of ideas and experiences. 

“I am very much aware that in hosting, we are undertaking a considerable task in terms of inheriting not just a conference, but indeed the most important process in the enhancement of the defence and security relations of the hemisphere,” added Minister O’Connor.  “It will further enhance Canada’s standing on the world stage and help solidify our reputation as a leader and dependable partner in defending freedom and democracy in the world.” 

Minister O’Connor is at this year’s conference, leading the joint DND/Foreign Affairs delegation.  While in Managua, Minister O’Connor is taking part in discussions on hemispheric defence and security, confidence-building measures, modernization of defence institutions, and enhancing regional cooperation. 

In addition, Minister O’Connor is conducting bilateral discussions with counterparts from various countries to continue to strengthen Canada’s defence relations within the Americas.  As well as serving as Conference Vice-President, Canada is playing a leading role in many of this year’s discussions, commissions, and committees.
As host, Canada will plan, organize, preside over, and carry out the 2008 CDMA. 

The 2008 conference will be the 8th CDMA since its inception following the 1994 Summit of the Americas.  More information regarding the location, venue, and specific dates for the conference will be announced in the coming months.


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