National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Statement by the Minister of National Defence on the Deaths of Sergeant Craig Paul Gillam and Corporal Robert Thomas James Mitchell

NR-06.072 - October 3, 2006

OTTAWA - The Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Defence, issued the following statement today on the deaths of Sergeant Craig Paul Gillam and Corporal Robert Thomas James Mitchell:

“Two Canadian soldiers, Sergeant Craig Paul Gillam and Corporal Robert Thomas James Mitchell, were killed today in the Panjwayi area in Afghanistan, and I extend my deepest condolences, on behalf of all Canadians, to their family and friends.

These brave young men were working alongside their fellow comrades to clear mines and improvised explosive devices from a route for a future road construction project, when they came under attack. Five other Canadian soldiers were hurt in the attack, and we pray for their speedy recovery from their injuries.

Our Canadian Forces members in Afghanistan face an enemy that will go to any length to try to undermine any progress made for Afghans to have a brighter future. The courage demonstrated by Sergeant Gillam and Corporal Mitchell speaks volumes to their dedication to our country and to this mission. Canada will remain steadfast, and Taliban attacks will not deter our efforts to help Afghanistan achieve peace and stability.

These soldiers lost their lives in a mission to prevent Afghanistan from reverting to a safe haven for terrorists and their destructive networks. Canada will remain forever grateful for their service, and we are all saddened by this loss.”

Sergeant Craig Paul Gillam and Corporal Robert Thomas James Mitchell were both members of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, based in Petawawa, Ontario.


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