National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

IED attack kills Canadian soldier in Afghanistan

NR–06.029 - October 7, 2006

OTTAWA – At approximately 5 a.m. (Afghanistan time), a Canadian soldier was killed today when the RG-31 he was travelling in was hit by an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) in the Panjwayi area, approximately 25 km West of Kandahar, Afghanistan.

Next of kin have requested that the name of the fallen soldier not yet be released. There are no reports of any other casualties. The soldier’s unit was on patrol between the Zhari District Centre (ZDC) and Bazaar-e-Panjwayi, the location of a new two-lane road which is being constructed with the assistance of the Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team.

The Pashmul area is where the Canadian Forces have been focusing their efforts during Phase 4 of Operation Medusa, the reconstruction and development phase. The IED blast occurred within 1 km of the two most recent incidents which took the lives of three Canadian soldiers.

Canadian troops in Afghanistan are serving alongside soldiers and civilians from 36 countries under the NATO-led, UN-mandated International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). A key part of Canada’s ‘whole of government’ assistance to Afghanistan is helping establish the security necessary to promote development.

While fellow troops will the mourn the loss of a fallen comrade, they we will not be deterred from the goal of helping the Afghan people achieve greater stability and security.


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