Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Governor General announces six Meritorious Service Decorations

October 24, 2006

OTTAWA—Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General of Canada, announced today the awarding of six Meritorious Service Decorations (military division) to individuals whose specific achievements have brought honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada. The recipients will be invited to receive their decoration at a presentation ceremony to be held at a later date.

The Meritorious Service Decorations include a Military Division and a Civil Division, with two levels each: a medal and a cross. The Military Division recognizes individuals for their outstanding professionalism and for bringing honour to the Canadian Forces. The Civil Division recognizes individuals who have performed an exceptional deed or an activity that brought honour to the community or to Canada.

Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. C. Stéphane Grenier, M.S.C. C.D.

Ottawa, Ont.

Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Robert Voith, M.S.C., C.D.

Kingston, Ont. and Calgary, Alta.

Meritorious Service Medal (military division))

Major Julia May Atherley-Blight, O.M.M., M.S.M., C.D.

Kingston and Harrowsmith, Ont.

Colonel David S. Brackett, M.S.M.

Colorado Springs, U.S.A.

Sergeant Jason MacKinnon, M.S.M., C.D.

Happy Valley-Goose Bay, N.L.,and Inverness, N.S.

Sergeant David Claude Payne, M.S.M., C.D.

Gander and Port aux Basques, N.L.

Additional information on the Meritorious Service Decorations (Annex A) as well as the citations for the recipients (Annex B) are attached.


Media information
Marie-Paule Thorn
Rideau Hall Press Office

Public information
Chancellery of Honours
Rideau Hall

Annex A

These decorations are an important part of the Canadian Honours System, which recognizes excellence. Meritorious Service Decorations honour either a single achievement or an activity over a specified period. The Meritorious Service Decorations are open to both Canadians and non-Canadians. Anyone may nominate an individual for the civil division of the Meritorious Service Decorations, while military candidates are recommended by the Chief of the Defence Staff. Nominations and awards may be made posthumously, but nominations for activities that occurred prior to June 1984, the year in which the honour was first created, are not accepted.

Annex B

Lieutenant-Colonel J. M. C. Stéphane Grenier, M.S.C., C.D.
Ottawa, Ontario
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

Lieutenant-Colonel Grenier was the driving force behind the development and implementation of the Operational Stress Injury Social Support Program. This program has had a remarkable effect on the lives of Canadian Forces members and veterans, as well as on their families. Since its inception in 2001, the program’s Peer Support Network has assisted more than 1,500 people in reintegrating into the workforce and society. Lieutenant-Colonel Grenier’s initiative has not only provided support service, it has also helped to eradicate many of the barriers to compassionate and humane treatment of those suffering from occupational stress injuries. Lieutenant-Colonel Grenier’s endeavour has brought him great personal pride and has been of great benefit to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Robert Voith, M.S.C., C.D.
Kingston, Ontario and Calgary, Alberta
Meritorious Service Cross (military division)

Lieutenant-Colonel Voith is recognized for the outstanding professionalism and leadership that he demonstrated during two deployments of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART). In the first mission, Operation STRUCTURE, the DART team provided humanitarian relief in the aftermath of the 2004 tsunamis that wrought havoc on Sri Lanka. In 2005, during Operation PLATEAU, his unit contributed to the relief efforts to assist the inhabitants of earthquake-devastated regions of Pakistan. As the commander of Task Force Pakistan and as the commanding officer for Operation PLATEAU, Lieutenant-Colonel Voith demonstrated an uncommonly high standard of guidance that was directly responsible for the unqualified success of both missions. His actions were in the highest tradition of the principles upon which the Canadian Forces pride themselves.

Major Julia May Atherley-Blight, O.M.M., M.S.M., C.D.
Kingston and Harrowsmith, Ontario
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

Major Atherley-Blight is being recognized for her exemplary leadership and for the results that she achieved as the deputy commanding officer of Task Force Pakistan during Operation PLATEAU from October to December 2005. An expert in the operations of the Disaster Assistance Relief Team (DART), she continually maximized the unit’s capabilities and ensured its perpetual state of high readiness and motivation to deploy. Her ability to coordinate multiple lines of operation had a direct impact on the provision of desperately needed foreign aid. Much of the success of this initiative is directly attributed to Major Atherley‑Blight’s dedication and tireless efforts.

Colonel David S. Brackett, M.S.M.
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

Colonel Brackett, of the United States Air Force, has consistently exhibited a rare standard of professionalism and initiative in his duties as U.S. Defence and Air Attaché to Canada. Since assuming this position in 2004, he has risen to the defence and security challenges of a changed world. He helped position the Canadian Forces for critical transformation with key access to U.S. transformation efforts, command relationships, interoperability and information-sharing initiatives. Through his achievements, Colonel Brackett has improved cooperation and strengthened relations between Canada and the United States. His contribution to the military community has brought great honour to the Canadian Forces and to Canada.

Sergeant Jason MacKinnon, M.S.M., C.D.
Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Newfoundland and Labrador and Inverness, Nova Scotia
Sergeant David Claude Payne, M.S.M., C.D.
Gander and Port aux Basques, Newfoundland and Labrador
Meritorious Service Medal (military division)

On July 28, 2003, search and rescue technicians Sergeant MacKinnon, then Master-Corporal, and Sergeant Payne displayed unwavering fortitude while assisting five crew members from a disabled sailing vessel in the Gulf of St.Lawrence, near Grande-Rivière, Quebec. Despite winds in excess of 35 knots and violent waves that threatened to capsize the vessel, the two men conducted individual hoist operations in the high seas to rescue three adults and two children from the unstable sailboat. Sergeants MacKinnon and Payne displayed perseverance and outstanding professionalism in the performance of their first tour of duty as search and rescue technicians.

Created: 2006-10-24
Updated: 2006-10-24
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