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September 26, 2005

CBC Welcomes Efforts to Move Negotiations with CMG to a Conclusion

Ottawa - CBC/Radio-Canada welcomed today's opportunity to meet with the Federal Minister of Labour to discuss the status of ongoing labour negotiations with the Canadian Media Guild (CMG).

Today's meeting allowed CBC/Radio-Canada to reinforce that the Corporation, like the Minister, Canadians and employees, wants to reach an agreement as quickly as possible and get back to providing Canadians with the kind of programming they expect from their national public broadcaster. CBC/Radio-Canada recognizes the impact that this dispute has had not just on Canadians, who rely on their public broadcaster, but on all of the Corporation's employees and their families.

CBC/Radio-Canada's bargaining team has a clear mandate, as well as the flexibility and authority, to get an agreement with the CMG. The Corporation hopes the Minister's initiative provides the impetus needed to move toward reaching an agreement that not only reflects the business realities and requirements of the broadcasting world, but at the same time respects the career aspirations of its employees.

About CBC/Radio-Canada

CBC/Radio-Canada is Canada's national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions. CBC/Radio-Canada reaches Canadians through eight national radio and television networks, its full-service Web sites, local/regional stations and affiliates, as well as the digital television channel Country Canada and the continuous music network Galaxie. In addition, CBC/Radio-Canada has forged partnerships with other broadcasters and is a partner in the satellite radio service SIRIUS Canada as well as in the specialty television services ARTV and The Documentary Channel. Through this array of activities, CBC/Radio-Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, French and eight aboriginal languages. (2006)

For additional information, please contact:

Katherine Heath-Eves
Media Relations
CBC/Radio-Canada (Ottawa)
Tel: (613) 288-6235


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