Canadian Wheat Board

Prairie strong, worldwide


Pool Return Outlooks

2005-06 crop year

DATE: February 23, 2006

Wheat PRO Higher, Durum And Designated Barley PROs Lower

Winnipeg -- The CWB today released its Pool Return Outlook (PRO) for the 2005-06 crop year. Wheat PROs are $2 to $3 per tonne higher versus the January PRO, with the exception of feed wheat. The durum PRO is $4 per tonne lower, with the exception of No. 5 CWAD. Compared to the January PRO, the Pool A feed barley PRO is unchanged, while the initial Pool B feed barley PRO is $115. The designated barley PRO is down $1 per tonne versus the January PRO.

February PROJanuary PRO
- In store Vancouver or St. Lawrence -
1 CWRS 14.5222.006.04220.005.99
1 CWRS 13.5204.005.55201.005.47
1 CWRS 12.5195.005.31193.005.25
1 CWRS 11.5189.005.14186.005.06
2 CWRS 13.5191.005.20188.005.12
2 CWRS 11.5177.004.82174.004.74
3 CWRS 13.0173.004.71170.004.63
3 CWRS159.004.33156.004.25
4 CWRS130.003.54128.003.48
1 CWHWS 13.5204.005.55201.005.47
1 CPSR152.004.14149.004.06
1 CPSW164.004.46161.004.38
1 CWRW150.004.08148.004.03
1 CWES171.004.65168.004.57
1 CWSWS177.004.82174.004.74
CW Feed116.003.16116.003.16
1 CWAD 14.5208.005.66212.005.77
1 CWAD 13.0190.005.17194.005.28
1 CWAD 12.5185.005.03189.005.14
1 CWAD 11.5176.004.79180.004.90
2 CWAD 13.0174.004.74178.004.84
2 CWAD 11.5164.004.46168.004.57
3 CWAD 13.0155.004.22159.004.33
3 CWAD149.004.06153.004.16
4 CWAD135.003.67139.003.78
5 CWAD116.003.16116.003.16
Feed barley
1 CW - Pool A125.002.72125.002.72
1 CW - Pool B115.002.50115.002.50
Designated barley
SS CW Two-Row170.003.70171.003.72
Std Sel Two-Row165.003.59166.003.61
SS CW Six-Row162.003.53163.003.55
Std Sel Six-Row157.003.42158.003.44
Note: PROs are the CWB's estimate of crop year returns. Farmers who use PROs to make marketing decisions are advised that unusual weather in importing or exporting countries and other changes in market conditions could dramatically affect the price forecasts. PROs are not price guarantees and should not be confused with initial payments. PROs also do not represent CWB offer values for prospective sales transactions nor sales values for actual transactions.

PRO Commentary
2005-06 crop year

U.S. wheat futures markets have rallied significantly over the past month, with near-record speculative positions, triggered by worsening crop conditions in the U.S. Hard Red Winter wheat region. However, competition in the mid- and low-protein milling wheat segment of the world market--including Australia, Argentina and Europe--remains very aggressive.

The global durum market remains pressured by plentiful supplies and favourable growing conditions in major importing regions. The continued strengthening of the Canadian dollar versus the U.S. dollar is also having a negative impact on projected returns. The global durum price outlook is expected to remain under pressure unless the global supply picture changes appreciably in 2006-07.

Feed barley
Pool A - Sales of this pool are essentially complete.

Pool B - While feed barley prices have shown some strength in recent weeks, export competition is limiting price increases. The outlook for global barley production in 2006-07 is also a negative factor influencing the longer-term price outlook.

Designated barley
The global malting barley market remains under pressure, given ample supplies of Australian malting barley. The strengthening Canadian dollar is also having a negative impact on returns.

(Cdn dollars per tonne)
FebruaryMB SK AB BC
PRO Deduction Return Deduction Return Deduction Return Deduction Return
1 CWRS 14.5 222.00 52.96 169.04 54.96 167.04 46.32 175.68 45.08 176.92
1 CWRS 13.5 204.00 52.96 151.04 54.96 149.04 46.32 157.68 45.08 158.92
1 CWRS 12.5 195.00 52.96 142.04 54.96 140.04 46.32 148.68 45.08 149.92
1 CWRS 11.5 189.00 52.96 136.04 54.96 134.04 46.32 142.68 45.08 143.92
2 CWRS 13.5 191.00 52.96 138.04 54.96 136.04 46.32 144.68 45.08 145.92
2 CWRS 11.5 177.00 52.96 124.04 54.96 122.04 46.32 130.68 45.08 131.92
3 CWRS 13.0 173.00 52.96 120.04 54.96 118.04 46.32 126.68 45.08 127.92
3 CWRS 159.00 52.96 106.04 54.96 104.04 46.32 112.68 45.08 113.92
4 CWRS 130.00 52.96 77.04 54.96 75.04 46.32 83.68 45.08 84.92
1 CWHWS 13.5 204.00 52.96 151.04 54.96 149.04 46.32 157.68 45.08 158.92
1 CPSR 152.00 52.96 99.04 54.96 97.04 46.32 105.68 45.08 106.92
1 CPSW 164.00 52.96 111.04 54.96 109.04 46.32 117.68 45.08 118.92
1 CWRW 150.00 52.96 97.04 54.96 95.04 46.32 103.68 45.08 104.92
1 CWES 171.00 58.32 112.68 55.71 115.29 45.10 125.90 45.08 125.92
1 CWSWS 177.00 52.96 124.04 54.96 122.04 46.32 130.68 45.08 131.92
CW Feed 116.00 52.96 63.04 54.96 61.04 46.32 69.68 45.08 70.92
1 CWAD 14.5 208.00 40.93 167.07 49.07 158.93 46.39 161.61 45.13 162.87
1 CWAD 13.0 190.00 40.93 149.07 49.07 140.93 46.39 143.61 45.13 144.87
1 CWAD 12.5 185.00 40.93 144.07 49.07 135.93 46.39 138.61 45.13 139.87
1 CWAD 11.5 176.00 40.93 135.07 49.07 126.93 46.39 129.61 45.13 130.87
2 CWAD 13.0 174.00 40.93 133.07 49.07 124.93 46.39 127.61 45.13 128.87
2 CWAD 11.5 164.00 40.93 123.07 49.07 114.93 46.39 117.61 45.13 118.87
3 CWAD 13.0 155.00 40.93 114.07 49.07 105.93 46.39 108.61 45.13 109.87
3 CWAD 149.00 40.93 108.07 49.07 99.93 46.39 102.61 45.13 103.87
4 CWAD 135.00 40.93 94.07 49.07 85.93 46.39 88.61 45.13 89.87
5 CWAD 116.00 40.93 75.07 49.07 66.93 46.39 69.61 45.13 70.87
Feed barley
1 CW - Pool A 125.00 66.09 58.91 58.80 66.20 49.22 75.78 48.88 76.12
1 CW - Pool B 115.00 66.09 48.91 58.80 56.20 49.22 65.78 48.88 66.12
Designated barley
SS CW Two-Row 170.00 51.51 118.49 59.16 110.84 52.95 117.05 51.68 118.32
Std Sel Two-Row 165.00 51.51 113.49 59.16 105.84 52.95 112.05 51.68 113.32
SS CW Six-Row 162.00 51.51 110.49 59.16 102.84 52.95 109.05 51.68 110.32
Std Sel Six-Row 157.00 51.51 105.49 59.16 97.84 52.95 104.05 51.68 105.32
Estimated deductions are based on tariff rates and include freight, country elevation and removal of dockage.
Deductions will vary by delivery point.

(Cdn dollars per bushel*)
FebruaryMB SK AB BC
PRO Deduction Return Deduction Return Deduction Return Deduction Return
1 CWRS 14.5 6.04 1.44 4.60 1.50 4.54 1.26 4.78 1.23 4.81
1 CWRS 13.5 5.55 1.44 4.11 1.50 4.05 1.26 4.29 1.23 4.32
1 CWRS 12.5 5.31 1.44 3.87 1.50 3.81 1.26 4.05 1.23 4.08
1 CWRS 11.5 5.14 1.44 3.70 1.50 3.64 1.26 3.88 1.23 3.91
2 CWRS 13.5 5.20 1.44 3.76 1.50 3.70 1.26 3.94 1.23 3.97
2 CWRS 11.5 4.82 1.44 3.38 1.50 3.32 1.26 3.56 1.23 3.59
3 CWRS 13.0 4.71 1.44 3.27 1.50 3.21 1.26 3.45 1.23 3.48
3 CWRS 4.33 1.44 2.89 1.50 2.83 1.26 3.07 1.23 3.10
4 CWRS 3.54 1.44 2.10 1.50 2.04 1.26 2.28 1.23 2.31
1 CWHWS 13.5 5.55 1.44 4.11 1.50 4.05 1.26 4.29 1.23 4.32
1 CPSR 4.14 1.44 2.70 1.50 2.64 1.26 2.88 1.23 2.91
1 CPSW 4.46 1.44 3.02 1.50 2.96 1.26 3.20 1.23 3.23
1 CWRW 4.08 1.44 2.64 1.50 2.58 1.26 2.82 1.23 2.85
1 CWES 4.65 1.59 3.06 1.52 3.13 1.23 3.42 1.23 3.42
1 CWSWS 4.82 1.44 3.38 1.50 3.32 1.26 3.56 1.23 3.59
CW Feed 3.16 1.44 1.72 1.50 1.66 1.26 1.90 1.23 1.93
1 CWAD 14.5 5.66 1.11 4.55 1.34 4.32 1.26 4.40 1.23 4.43
1 CWAD 13.0 5.17 1.11 4.06 1.34 3.83 1.26 3.91 1.23 3.94
1 CWAD 12.5 5.03 1.11 3.92 1.34 3.69 1.26 3.77 1.23 3.80
1 CWAD 11.5 4.79 1.11 3.68 1.34 3.45 1.26 3.53 1.23 3.56
2 CWAD 13.0 4.74 1.11 3.63 1.34 3.40 1.26 3.48 1.23 3.51
2 CWAD 11.5 4.46 1.11 3.35 1.34 3.12 1.26 3.20 1.23 3.23
3 CWAD 13.0 4.22 1.11 3.11 1.34 2.88 1.26 2.96 1.23 2.99
3 CWAD 4.06 1.11 2.95 1.34 2.72 1.26 2.80 1.23 2.83
4 CWAD 3.67 1.11 2.56 1.34 2.33 1.26 2.41 1.23 2.44
5 CWAD 3.16 1.11 2.05 1.34 1.82 1.26 1.90 1.23 1.93
Feed barley
1 CW - Pool A 2.72 1.44 1.28 1.28 1.44 1.07 1.65 1.06 1.66
1 CW - Pool B 2.50 1.44 1.06 1.28 1.22 1.07 1.43 1.06 1.44
Designated barley
SS CW Two-Row 3.70 1.12 2.58 1.29 2.41 1.15 2.55 1.13 2.57
Std Sel Two-Row 3.59 1.12 2.47 1.29 2.30 1.15 2.44 1.13 2.46
SS CW Six-Row 3.53 1.12 2.41 1.29 2.24 1.15 2.38 1.13 2.40
Std Sel Six-Row 3.42 1.12 2.30 1.29 2.13 1.15 2.27 1.13 2.29
*Bushel figures may not be exact due to rounding conversions to two decimal points.
Estimated deductions are based on tariff rates and include freight, country elevation and removal of dockage.
Deductions will vary by delivery point.

CWRS Canada Western Red Spring
CPSR Canada Prairie Spring Red
CPSW Canada Prairie Spring White
CWRW Canada Western Red Winter
CWES Canada Western Extra Strong
CWSWS Canada Western Soft White Spring
CWHW Canada Western Hard White
CWF Canada Western Feed
CWAD Canada Western Amber Durum
CW Canada Western
SS Special Select
Std Sel Standard Select
Metric Conversions
Wheat One tonne = 36.74371 bushels
Barley One tonne = 45.92963 bushels