National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canadian Officer responsible for Regional Command South in Kandahar

CEFCOM/COMFEC NR–06.003 - February 28, 2006

OTTAWA – Brig.-Gen. David Fraser assumed command of Regional Command (RC) South today in Kandahar, succeeding US Army Col. Kevin Owens. As commander of the multinational brigade led by Canada, Brig.-Gen. Fraser will be responsible for Canadian and coalition operations in Southern Afghanistan until November 2006, leading a force of about 6,000 soldiers from Canada and seven other nations including: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Australia, Denmark, the U.S., Romania, and Estonia.

As part of the international campaign against terrorism, Canada and coalition partners are leaders in the multinational effort to help Afghans achieve peace and security so they can build a self-sustaining democratic nation. Furthermore, Canada's leading efforts in Kandahar will play a key role in the transition from the U.S.-led multinational coalition to NATO leadership. In the southern provinces, this change is scheduled for the summer of 2006.

"This mission is about Canadians helping Afghans," said Brig.-Gen. Fraser. "We are here at the behest of the Afghan population and our goal is to enable and facilitate the rebuilding of their country so that it continues to develop as a democracy and becomes more stable and prosperous. My soldiers and those of our allies in the coalition are very focussed and eager to get on with the mission to help Afghans improve their situation, their own way."

“The men and women who wear our uniform – who wear the nation's flag on their left-hand shoulder are equal to the best in the world,” said General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff. “They are ready to serve wherever they are needed and in fact become our nation's very credentials throughout the world. I have the utmost confidence in our men and women as they take up this new challenge in Kandahar Province, and more, I know that Brig. Gen Fraser, in leading that effort, will build on the success of the Americans whom we replace to bring security and stability to the Afghan people. ”

Of the 2,300 CF personnel deployed with Task Force Afghanistan (TFA), - which refers to the Canadian-specific contribution as part of coalition efforts in Afghanistan - about 1,000 are with the Canadian battle group stationed at Kandahar Airfield (KAF). Within the multinational brigade for RC South headquartered at KAF, about 125 personnel are Canadian. At Camp Nathan Smith in Kandahar City, Canada also fields a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) consisting of about 200 soldiers and officials from Foreign Affairs Canada, the Canadian International Development Agency, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Canada has committed to maintain the PRT until at least February 2007.

On 1 March, Brig.-Gen. Fraser will also take over responsibility for TFA from Col Steve Noonan who completes his duties after seven months at the helm of the Canadian contingent in Afghanistan.


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