Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean
Speech on the Occasion of the Order of Canada Investiture

Rideau Hall, Friday, February 17, 2006

I would like to begin by drawing your attention to a change in decor in this great hall, where our country’s highest honours are awarded. During my first official visit to Prince Edward Island last fall, I had the pleasure of rediscovering at the Confederation Centre of the Arts a painting by Jean‑Paul Lemieux that depicts one of the turning points in the building of this country. Thankfully, the Confederation Centre of the Arts has graciously loaned this painting to Rideau Hall so that many more Canadians may enjoy it. On their behalf, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all those who made this loan possible, including Mr. Hambly and Mr. MacKenzie, who are with us here today. Thank you.

The artist seems to invite us to finish his work. At a glance, we can imagine how we might extend the lines of the building, make them more substantial; we might open new windows on new horizons.

The sombre figures in the foreground are deliberately left faceless beneath their top hats. No doubt this is because the work of the Fathers of Confederation is not yet complete; we all have something more to contribute. One moment, they appear to stand still; the next, they are moving toward the future. But always, dreams are taking shape, through quiet contemplation as through open dialogue. And so it is with our history. Anything is possible.

Under the auspices of this painting and all it evokes, we have gathered to celebrate the invaluable contribution of women and men who are pushing the boundaries of human genius, spirit, dedication and knowledge.

I am truly astounded by the assembly of accomplished individuals before me.

You are a diverse group, one that includes leading community activists, champions of human rights, great philanthropists, artists reinventing the world, teachers changing the way we think, environmentalists working to protect our delicate ecosystems, and scientists revolutionizing the fields of health, biotechnology and physics.

Though you may walk different paths, each of you began with a passion. A passion not only for the arts, justice, understanding and knowledge, but also for life in its broadest sense, at its most noble, at its most beautiful.

With such passion comes talent, vision, an unwavering desire to change the world and leave your mark.

What is most astonishing, what engenders our admiration most, is your exceptional ability to excel.

To excel is to move beyond your personal limits.

Through your efforts and extraordinary accomplishments, you have changed lives, each in your own way. Just think of the people you have comforted, whose lives you have made brighter; the students you have inspired; the audiences you have made dream, laugh and reflect; think of the organizations you have advanced.

I am reminded of the child who casts a stone in water to watch the rings expand. It is an action born of pleasure and curiosity. But from that action comes a shock wave, a movement, a ripple effect.

Romance novelist Louise Maheux-Forcier, herself a recipient of the Order of Canada, wrote that [translation] “all passion is hereditary.” 

We have a fine example of this here today. Sitting among you is a recipient who is the worthy successor of a passion passed down from father to son. Mr. William Schabas’s father and grandfather also received the Order of Canada. Although each excelled in a different field, they share a profound commitment.

I would like to add something to Louise Maheux-Forcier’s thought, and that is that passions are contagious.

You spread joy, hope and comfort all around you. You inspire others to follow in your footsteps, to take up the charge, to make our world a better place, to celebrate its beauty.

You—the exceptional women and men we honour here today—you are continuing the tradition of excellence begun by the illustrious Canadians who have come before you. Through your words and actions, you are living up to the spirit of the Order of Canada, Desirantes Meliorem Patriam—“They Desire a Better Country”; for many, for humanity itself.

You have surpassed yourselves in virtually every area of human endeavour. You have shown that nothing is impossible for those who dare to dream big and reach beyond.

You face the impossible every day and have come to embody all that can be accomplished. I would even go so far as to say that you are the very epitome of hope. You are our role models. Through your passion and determination, you inspire us to go beyond our limits, to reach new heights, to become better people in our day-to-day lives, to become better Canadians.

And so today, we offer you our sincere gratitude.

On behalf of all Canadians, I salute you and extend my warmest congratulations to you on your outstanding contribution to our well-being and to our country. Your names and accomplishments will remain forever in our minds and in our hearts.

Thank you, one and all!

Created: 2006-02-17
Updated: 2006-03-06
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