Governor General of Canada / Gouverneur général du Canadaa



Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean
Speech on the Occasion of a Reception hosted by British Columbia

Torino, Italy, Saturday, February 25, 2006

My husband Jean-Daniel Lafond and I are honoured to be a part of this reception organized by the province of British Columbia. Yesterday, we had the pleasure of speaking with representatives of Vancouver and Whistler. I would say that their enthusiasm for the 2010 Games is matched only by their indomitable determination to make the Games a success, which bodes well.

It was with great joy that I looked forward to this trip to Torino on the occasion of the XXth Olympic Winter Games.

First, to encourage the athletes, who embody the spirit of self-transcendence, drive and vitality, the very effort of discipline they need to reach their goals. They are an endless source of inspiration and positive role models for kids today, who look up to them with great admiration.

Second, the Olympic spirit brings together the values of sharing and fellowship, values that are paramount for me. Sport, so rightly called [translation] “the Esperanto of races” by French author Jean Giraudoux, transcends all languages, all borders, all barriers to unite the world in a spirit of brotherhood, finding that common ground, beyond any competition.

I would like to say to our Italian friends that I feel particularly attached to Italy. I have studied its language and culture and lived in Italy for a few years. This country, if I may say so, is one that I know and love.

After all, we Canadians feel somewhat at home here, surrounded by a mountain range not unlike the Rockies. It is not by chance that the name Torino comes from the Celtic word “tau” for “mountain.”

These mountains, like the Rockies, are reminiscent of the challenge that Canada will face in four years. In 2010, it will be our turn to organize the greatest sporting, cultural, economic and media event in the world.

We could not have hoped for a better place than British Columbia to hold the Games: a province that epitomizes modern Canada.

British Columbia is home to the second largest Aboriginal population after Ontario, to a vibrant Francophone community, and to well-established ethnocultural communities, most of which originate from Asia.

This cultural diversity, combined with a spectacular geography and thriving economy, has given British Columbia a dynamism, a charm and originality that tipped the scales in our favour when the host city for the 2010 Games was chosen. We know that Vancouver will delight visitors from around the world.

To ensure the success of these Games, you will not be working alone. You have put together a team that includes all three levels of government—municipal, provincial and federal—and the private sector. You can also draw from the experience of other regions across Canada that have hosted large-scale events of this nature, particularly Calgary, which hosted the 1988 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. I congratulate you most especially for bringing the Paralympic Winter Games to a whole new level of recognition.

From the beginning, you took a chance on touching the hearts of each Canadian, and you are to be commended for this. A sporting event of this kind will generate substantial spinoffs that, I hope, will benefit Canadians for generations to come.

Already, this year’s Team Canada is taking advantage of high performance programming created with a view to hosting the 2010 Winter Games, such as Podium 2010.

In fact, during the Torino Winter Games, our athletes are benefiting from increased support, from the latest video analysis system to access to experts in medicine, technology, nutrition and psychology.

Imagine the investments that Games of this magnitude attract, the experience they offer thousands of volunteers, the world-class facilities they bring to our top athletes, the image they give to Canada, to say nothing of the fellowship they engender in the community and the hope they inspire in our youth.

I have absolutely no doubt that the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Vancouver and Whistler will be a rousing success. As Governor General of Canada, I will use every opportunity to encourage your efforts. You can count on my support and the support of the entire country.

May the 2006 Torino Winter Games give you the opportunity to learn, explore and celebrate. May they be a springboard for the 2010 Games.

Until we meet again in 2010 in Vancouver and Whistler!

Thank you!

Created: 2006-02-25
Updated: 2006-03-07
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