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Historic Televised Hearing of Supreme Court Judge Nominee

28 February 2006
Ottawa, Ontario

Prime Minister Harper with the Minister of Justice.
In an unprecedented move towards openness and accountability in the Supreme Court appointment process, nominee Mr. Justice Rothstein appeared before a House of Commons ad hoc committee.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper nominated Mr. Justice Rothstein last week to fill the vacancy left by retired Justice John Major.
Mr. Justice Rothstein, a Federal Court of Appeal judge from Manitoba, was chosen from the short-list of nominees presented to the previous Government.

The membership of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review a Nominee for the Supreme Court of Canada reflects the Party standing in the House of Commons: five Conservative Party Members, including Committee Chair the Honourable Vic Toews, four Liberal Party Members, two Bloc Quebecois Members, and one NDP Member.

Today’s hearing was about openness and accountability in our Supreme Court appointment process. For the first time, everyday Canadians had the chance to hear the opinions and views of a nominee to our country’s highest court. And this Government will continue to pursue a Supreme Court for everyone.

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