Government of Canada

Minister Responsible for Canada Post Corporation

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Statement from the Honourable John McCallum, Minister Responsible for Canada Post

Lumsden, Saskatchewan, August 25, 2005... In recent months there have been several statements made that Canada Post has targeted several rural post offices for closure. This is simply not true. The Government of Canada recognizes that rural post offices play an integral role in rural Canada and for that reason I can state definitively that, if there is a post office in your community today, it will continue to be there into the future.

Our commitment to the moratorium against rural post office closures remains unwavering and I will continue, together with all Members of Parliament, to ensure that the moratorium remains part of our larger rural approach.

Since I was named the Minister Responsible for Canada Post I have implemented a number of changes to ensure that our Rural Post Offices are protected. The first was to identify rural outlets that have been temporarily closed and, in cooperation with Canada Post, develop an action plan to reopen those offices where possible. I am also pleased to add that the new President of Canada Post, Ms. Moya Greene, has given me her personal commitment that Canada Post fully appreciates the Government's policy on rural post office closures.

There may be a few instances where the closure of a rural post office is unavoidable. For example, the death or retirement of the postmaster or a fire in the building that the post office is housed could result in temporary closure. These events cannot be avoided. When such an event does happen, Canada post will contact my office immediately. My staff will then contact the MP responsible for that area and inform him or her of the event. Canada Post will immediately begin working with local officials to examine ways to reopen a post office in that town. In cases where this process yields no options for a viable post office to reopen, and as a last resort, an amalgamation of Post Offices may occur.

I will be taking additional steps to formalize the assessment and consultation process Canada Post will follow with local officials any time a situation arises with implications for the continued existence of a rural post office.

This government is committed to the moratorium against rural post office closures and will not tolerate actions contrary to its spirit. Canada Post will follow the assessment and consultation process any time a situation arises with implications for the continued existence of a rural post office, regardless of whether the post office is owned by Canada Post or operated as a franchise.

This government is committed to keeping rural post offices open. Rural Canadians deserve no less.

Shane Diaczuk
Office of the Honourable John McCallum
(613) 447-3511

Date modified: 2005-08-25 Top of page
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