National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

PRT Activation Team paves the way

Article and photos by Captain Richard Perreault

Sergeant Chris Wilson

Sergeant Chris Wilson, an engineer from 1 Combat Engineer Regiment (1 CER) in Edmonton, Alta., adjusts a transient for the leveling of forms prior to pouring concrete that will be the foundation of a small building. He is part of the Activation Team (AT) that is preparing the site prior to the upcoming deployment of Canada's Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT).

KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, AFGHANISTAN – Over 230 Canadian Forces personnel are currently hard at work in the blistering Afghan heat, paving the way for another group of Canadian soldiers and civilians who will deploy to Kandahar as a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in southern Afghanistan in a few short weeks.

Known as the PRT Activation Team (AT), the unit consists of specialized troops from all across Canada. Most are from the Canadian Forces Joint Headquarters (CFJHQ) and the Canadian Forces Joint Signal Regiment (CFJSR), at CFB Kingston, but others are drawn from the 1 st Engineer Support Unit (1 ESU) in Moncton, the 3 rd Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (3 PPCLI) in Edmonton, and the 3 rd Canadian Support Group (3CSG) in Montreal.

“Our Activation Team is preparing the site for the upcoming deployment of Canada’s PRT,” explained Lieutenant-Colonel John Wates, Commanding Officer of the PRT AT. “What we do will be instrumental for the success of the Canadian PRT.”

The job of these soldiers is to ensure everything from living accommodations to contracts for garbage disposal is in place before the 250-strong PRT arrives to take over from their American counterparts in August.

“When the PRT Commander shows up with his troops, they will be ready to work immediately,” said LCol Wates. “We ensure they will have decent accommodations and working space, with appropriate means of communication, logistic arrangements in place, and that they will be able to meet their American counterparts right on arrival and start their work soon thereafter.”

convoy of Canadian vehicles

A convoy of Canadian vehicles carrying members of the Provincial Reconstruction Team Activation Team (PRT AT) is ready to move from the Kandahar Airfield to the PRT site to deliver supplies and soldiers to continue working on the site.

When asked to comment about the threat facing Canadian troops operating in southern Afghanistan, considered by many to be a hotbed of Taliban and Al-Qaeda activity, LCol Wates underlined that, “we recognize there are significant risks involved in this operation. We have to remember that our troops are among the best trained and most highly experienced soldiers in the world.”

In addition to the threat from improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or unexploded munitions, there are a number of natural hazards that are ever-present, including insects, malaria, and extreme heat. With average temperatures hovering around 50º Celsius during the day, keeping hydrated is a must.

“So far the troops have been disciplined enough to drink copious amounts of water and taking necessary break periods while working,” said Lieutenant Commander Wayne Nesbitt, Medical Officer of the PRT AT.

Following a recent visit to the AT in Kandahar, Colonel Walter Semianiw, Commander of Task Force Kabul, expressed his satisfaction for the work that had already been done after only a week on the ground.

“The outstanding work you are doing here will not only serve the PRT, it will become the basis upon which Canada’s future presence in Kandahar will be built”, said Col Semianiw.

Capt Richard Perreault is the Public Affairs Officer with the PRT Activation Team.