National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

DND Receives Funds for the Clean Up of Contaminated Sites

NR–05.065 - August 3, 2005

OTTAWA – The Department of National Defence today announced it has received $45.5 million from the Government of Canada’s Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan for the remediation of 17 contaminated sites. This funding also includes the assessment of an additional 12 sites.

The funding for this initiative was provided for in the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan 2005/2006 budget. This commitment is part of the $3.5 billion in long-term funding announced in the 2004 Budget.

“Year after year, the Department has demonstrated its commitment to taking action on its environmental legacy issues, and this funding will allow us to enhance our efforts,” said Bill Graham, Minister of National Defence. “Cleaning up federal contaminated sites will not only improve Canada’s environment but it will also provide healthier environments for Canadians living and working in affected areas.”

The Department has already committed funds to the clean up of contaminated sites and will use this additional money for the remediation of high-priority projects. Some of the previously committed funds will be re-allocated to remediation projects that would have otherwise had to wait for funding.

All Departments and agencies that hold property must maintain a database of their contaminated sites. Information on the Department of National Defence’s known contaminated sites has been entered in Treasury Board’s Federal Contaminated Properties and Solid Waste Landfills Inventory, available at:

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More information on Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan Funding can be found on Environment Canada's website at

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