National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Environmental Investigations Continue in Goose Bay

NR–05.066 - August 12, 2005

OTTAWA – The Department of National Defence has awarded a two-year standing offer agreement for $3 million to AMEC Earth and Environmental Inc. of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, to continue environmental investigations at 5 Wing Goose Bay in Happy Valley – Goose Bay, Labrador.

“The Department is committed to taking action to address the environmental concerns in Goose Bay and at other CF installations across the country,” said Bill Graham, Minister of National Defence. “This environmental investigation will enable us to establish the next steps for proper remediation.”

National Defence is studying all contaminated areas at 5 Wing Goose Bay and considering interrelated requirements between the sites. The Department’s objective is to develop and implement a comprehensive action plan that will reduce and/or eliminate the risks posed to human health and the environment through combined remediation projects. AMEC will assist in this process by developing a comprehensive remedial strategy for the site.

Investigation work is expected to be complete by fall 2008, after which time a comprehensive remedial action plan will be implemented.

The contamination at 5 Wing Goose Bay can be attributed to several sources, including leaking underground and aboveground tanks and pipelines, historical waste disposal practices, and normal site activities from over 60 years of operation.

The standing offer agreement includes two one-year options for extension valued at up to $1.5 million each.

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Note to Editors: A standing offer is an arrangement that allows the Department of National Defence to deal with suppliers under set prices and conditions. A contract will exist with the supplier only when the Department orders services from the standing offer agreement.

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