National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

Canada takes leadership role with its Provincial Reconstruction Team in Kandahar

NR-05.069 - August 16, 2005

KANDAHAR – The Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team, commanded by Colonel Steve Bowes, took over from the U.S. Army PRT during a transfer of authority ceremony that took place at the Canadian Camp in Kandahar City today.

The PRT brings together representatives from the Canadian Forces (CF), Foreign Affairs Canada (FAC), the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) in an integrated Canadian effort.

Before Afghan government representatives and guests attending the ceremony, Canada’s Ambassador to Afghanistan, Mr. Chris Alexander highlighted that the Kandahar PRT opens a new stage in Canada’s enhanced commitment to Afghanistan.

“Our priority is to extend security and development to a key province where serious challenges remain”, said Mr. Alexander. “In support of the Governor and the entire Afghan government, we will seek ways to make Kandaharis safe at home and at work. Helping Afghans create a secure environment will facilitate the delivery of more basic services like schooling, road maintenance and basic medical care in the region of Kandahar.”

Kandahar is one of Afghanistan’s ancient capitals and the province’s rich culture and history are themselves factors for stability. Under the U.S.-led Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), Canada will build on the work already accomplished by the US-led PRT. To that end, the PRT is set to reinforce the authority of the Afghan Government and assist in its efforts to strengthen its credibility and effectiveness in and around Kandahar. It will also help to monitor security, promote Afghan government policies and priorities with local authorities, and facilitate security sector reforms.

“This marks a historical moment for Canada as we work on establishing security sector reforms that we hope will facilitate the initiation of significant development projects in this province,” said Col Bowes. “The men and women of this PRT are the first element of a larger Canadian involvement in this region forecasted for deployment in February 2006.”

The PRT is located in Kandahar City with some of its support elements operating from the Kandahar Airfield (KAF). In addition to a civilian component, the PRT includes about 250 soldiers, drawn largely from Land Forces Western Area (LFWA) and 1 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group (1 CMBG) based in Edmonton, Alberta.

Note to Editors: For more information about the CF contribution in Kandahar and Kabul, Afghanistan, see the Backgrounder at:


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