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New Refund Policy

The Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission (HMIRC) has a new refund policy which takes effect immediately.

The Commission undertook a revision of its refund policy to ensure consistency with HMIRC’s revised fee schedule, implemented in June 2002. As part of its renewal initiative in the late 1990s, the Commission responded to stakeholders concerns by revising its fees with a view to reducing complexity and easing the administrative burden for claimants. In addition, the Commission wanted to bring its fee schedule in line with the Government of Canada’s External Charging Policy, formerly the Cost Recovery and Charging Policy. The latter required distinguishing between private benefit and public good activities and charging for private benefit activities only.

This new refund policy meets Government of Canada’s policy requirements as well as the Financial Administration Act which defines the return of money based on the principle of purpose being fulfilled rather than on the activities performed. Since a claimant receives full private benefit, ie. allows the product to be sold in Canada as soon as a registry number is assigned, the Commission will no longer issue refunds for claims withdrawn after registration.

Any further information regarding this policy may be obtained by contacting the Commission via e-mail at or by calling our general number at (613) 993-4331 and asking for Client Services.