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Policy Notice – Clarification of Provisions for Kilometric/Mileage Rates in the FSD's, July 1, 2005

What's New? : NJC Communiqués

The following changes to the Foreign Service Directives, as indicated below, have been approved effective July 1, 2005.

The "traveller-requested" rate, is now called the "lower kilometric/mileage rate" and the term "employer-requested rate" has been replaced by "kilometric/mileage rate applicable to government business travel", which is the term now used in the NJC Travel Directive. These terms continue to be applied to the situations described below.

Where travel is not deemed to be government business but is at the discretion of the employee, a lower kilometric/mileage rate should be retained.

With regards to methodology, the National Joint Council lower kilometric rate still exists, which is calculated in the same manner as was the "traveller-requested rate". This methodology continues to be used for the lower kilometric/mileage rate.

1.    FSD 14 – Travelling Expenses for Dependants on Foreign Language Training (At Location en Route to Post)

The following changes have been approved to reflect the replacement of the term "traveller-requested" rate, by the term "lower kilometric/mileage rate".



local transportation expenses, at the location where language training is taken, by the most practicable and economical means as determined by the deputy head for the duration of the course. This could include public transportation (including taxis), the lower kilometric/mileage rate for use of a private motor vehicle, or car rental, depending on local conditions;



local transportation expenses at the location where language training is taken by the most practicable and economical means as determined by the deputy head for the duration of the course. This could include public transportation (including taxis), the lower kilometric/mileage rate for use of a private motor vehicle, or car rental, depending on local conditions;

FSD 14

A new Instruction 7 following FSD 14.02(e) has been approved to explain the methodology for the determination of the lower kilometric/mileage rate and to indicate the appropriate web link.

Instruction 7

For purposes of Section 14.01(b) and 14.02(c), the lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

2.    FSD 15 – Relocation (Transportation where air services not used)

The following changes have been approved to reflect the replacement of the term "traveller-requested" rate by the term "lower kilometric/mileage rate" and the replacement of the term "employer requested rate" by the term "kilometric/mileage rate applicable to government business travel".

FSD 15.04(b)(iv)

(iv)       An employee who chooses to travel by private motor vehicle (PMV) may claim:

(A)   the kilometric/mileage rate applicable to government business travel at the point of departure for the actual number of kilometres driving distance between the former place of duty and the new place of duty, increased by 20% for necessary additional travel, as determined by the deputy head;

(B)  the lower kilometric/mileage rate for a second PMV, for the same driving distance as for the first vehicle, increased by 20%, if a second vehicle is being driven; and

(E)  in cases where one car is shipped and the other one driven, the lower kilometric/mileage rate will apply, and reimbursement shall be limited to the cost of air travel alone.

FSD 15.04(b)(iv)

New instructions following FSD 15.04(b)(iv) have been approved to indicate the appropriate web links and to explain the methodology for the determination of the lower kilometric/mileage rate.

Instruction 1

1.         For purposes of Section 15.04(b)(iv)(A), the kilometric/mileage rate applicable to government business travel is quoted on the following Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site:

Canada: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/td-dv/td-dv-b_e.asp
Locations Abroad: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/krla-tkde_e.asp
United States of America: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/krus-tkeu_e.asp

Instruction 2

For purposes of Section 15.04(b)(iv)(B) and (E), the lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

Travel by PMV - Non-accountable Relocation Travel Allowance (NAA)

(v)        When an employee elects for a non-accountable relocation travel allowance (NAA) for travel by PMV, the allowance shall be determined on an individual basis by the deputy head in advance of travel, as follows:

(A)   The "kilometric/mileage rate applicable to government business travel" at the point of departure for the actual number of kilometres driving distance between the former place of duty and the new place of duty, increased by 20% for necessary additional travel, as determined by the deputy head; and

(B)  The lower kilometric/mileage rate for a second PMV, for the same driving distance as for the first vehicle, if a second vehicle is being driven; and

FSD 15.04(b)(v)

New instructions following FSD 15.04(b)(v) have been approved to explain the methodology for the determination of the lower kilometric/mileage rate and to insert the appropriate web links.

Instruction 1

For purposes of Section 15.04(b)(v)(A), the kilometric/mileage rate applicable to government business travel is quoted on the following Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site:

Canada: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/td-dv/td-dv-b_e.asp
Locations Abroad: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/krla-tkde_e.asp
United States of America: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/krus-tkeu_e.asp

Instruction 2

For purposes of Section 15.04(b)(v)(B), the lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

House hunting trips (HHT)


When an employee is notified of a relocation to a new place of duty where Crown-held accommodation will not be available, the deputy head may authorize, for the employee and/or spouse or common-law partner:

(a)        payment of return travelling expenses from the present place of duty to the new place of duty; where travel by private motor vehicle (PMV) is authorized, the rate paid shall be the lower kilometric/mileage rate unless it can be shown that travel by PMV at the rate for travel under the NJC Travel Directive is less costly than commercial transportation or car rental; parking, ferry and toll charges shall also be reimbursed, as appropriate; when transportation is by PMV, car rental or other transportation expenses shall not be reimbursed;

FSD 15.30(a)

A new instruction following FSD 15.30(a) has been approved to explain the methodology for the determination of the lower kilometric/mileage rate and to insert the appropriate web link.


For purposes of Section 15.30(a), the lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

3.    FSD 30 – Post Transportation and Related Expenses (Commuting Assistance/Definitions)

The following changes have been approved to reflect the replacement of the term "traveller-requested" rate, by the term "lower kilometric/mileage rate".

30.02   Guideline

It should be noted that where management requires an employee to use a PMV on official government business, this cost is not reimbursable under Directive 30; compensation should be provided in accordance with the NJC Travel Directive, with post kilometric/mileage rates as determined by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs:

United States of America: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/krus-tkeu_e.asp/
Locations Abroad: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/krla-tkde_e.asp


post kilometric/mileage rate (taux de kilométrage à la mission) means the rate claimable in cents per kilometre for authorized use of a PMV at the post when an employee requests permission to use a PMV for commuting purposes and the employer agrees. This rate shall be established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline cost component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by employees at the post.

30.07   Guideline

Adjustments to the post kilometric/mileage rate are made whenever a post reports an increase in the cost of fuel/gasoline. Consequently, the post kilometric/mileage rate for commuting assistance shall be revised annually on April 1st of each year and also on such other dates as the lower kilometric/mileage rate for travel at the post is adjusted by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the methodology outlined at Section 30.07(e).


(ii)        where the authorized use of a PMV is the most economical form of commuting that is practicable, a claim may be made for commuting assistance for the shortest return distance between the employee's workplace and residence which exceeds the commuting share, on the basis of the lower post kilometric/mileage rate (see Section 30.07(e)) plus applicable tolls for the number of days commuting which actually took place in a given calendar month.

30.15   Education Transportation

Renumber first paragraph as (a); and revise as follows:

(a)        Where the use of a PMV has been authorized under Section 30.14, assistance shall be based on the lower post kilometric/mileage rate, as determined by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs as outlined in Section 30.15(b). Where a dependent student drives a PMV to and from a place of education, assistance shall also include reimbursement of actual and reasonable daily parking charges at or near the educational institution but shall not include parking charges incurred when transporting children to and from school.

Insert new paragraph (b) which outlines the methodology for the determination of the lower kilometric/mileage rate and indicates the appropriate web link.

(b)        For purposes of Section 30.15(a), the lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

4.    FSD 45 – Foreign Service Travel Credit Bank and Foreign service leave credit bank

The following changes have been approved to reflect the replacement of the term "traveller-requested" rate by the term "lower kilometric/mileage rate", to outline the methodology and to indicate the web link.


Instruction 1

Transportation by car, at the lower kilometric/mileage rate, is acceptable provided the destination is more than 150 km. from the post and the trip involves one or more night's accommodation. The lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

5.    FSD 51 - Family Reunion (Travel Allowance)

The following changes have been approved to reflect the replacement of the term "traveller-requested" rate by the term "lower kilometric/mileage rate", to outline the methodology and to indicate the web link.


if the dependant or employee prefers to drive, the family reunion travel allowance shall be based on the lower kilometric/mileage rate for return travel between the location of the dependant and the mission, up to the cost of the lowest available airfare determined in accordance with this section. The lower kilometric/mileage rate is established by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by adjusting the Lower Kilometric/Mileage Rate applicable to Ottawa (as approved by the National Joint Council and quoted on the Treasury Board of Canada Government Travel web site http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e), to exclude the fuel/gasoline component of that rate and replace it with a component based on the fuel/gasoline cost incurred by the employee at the post;

6.    FSD 54 - Compassionate Travel (Travel Leave)

The following changes have been approved to reflect the replacement of the term "traveller-requested" rate, by the term "lower kilometric/mileage rate" and add the appropriate web link.


Instruction 1

(d)        when an employee has claimed for travel by private motor vehicle, the employee's share shall be based on the lower kilometric/mileage rate for Ottawa for travel from Ottawa to the destination and return (http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pubs_pol/hrpubs/TBM_113/trkr-tkdv_e); and


Requests for more information or clarification should be addressed to designated departmental personnel.

Designated departmental officials may contact:

Margaret McCagg
Senior Policy Analyst
Management Policy and Labour Relations
Human Resources Management Office
Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat
Telephone (613) 946-3714
Fax (613) 952-3002

Last Modified: 2005-07-29 [ Important Notices ]