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News Release

For Release
August 04, 2005

Infrastructure Investment Improves Drainage and Wastewater Systems

Regina, Saskatchewan - Regina's ability to handle runoff from intense summer storms will be improved with a total investment of $9 million from all three levels of government to upgrade the city's drainage and wastewater systems. This funding is one of the first investments provided through the new Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (C-S MRIF) that was signed on January 14, 2005.

Federal Finance Minister Ralph Goodale, the Honourable Stephen Owen, Minister of Western Economic Diversification and Minister of State (Sport), Saskatchewan Agriculture Minister Mark Wartman and Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco announced funding for the improvement project today. The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan will contribute $1.7 million each over two years, while the City of Regina will provide the remaining $5.75 million.

"Through the New Deal for Cities and Communities, the Government of Canada is working together in partnerships to help Regina and other communities develop and implement local solutions," said Minister Goodale. "With this Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund upgrading, Regina residents can meet future storms with some peace of mind knowing that the damage such storms can cause will be minimized."

"The Government of Canada recognizes that it is increasingly challenging for Regina and other urban municipalities to meet infrastructure demands related to population growth and aging infrastructure systems," said Minister Owen. "This is why we are committed to a New Deal for Cities and Communities that allows all cities and communities to develop a vision of where they will be in 30 years and how to get there from here."

"Saskatchewan's $1.7 million investment in the Regina, Drainage and Wastewater upgrade is part of our government's commitment to fund municipal and regional infrastructure for our communities," said Minister Wartman. "The Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund enables our municipalities to plan, finance and deliver on their infrastructure priorities, with an emphasis on local input."

"Thanks to this funding, along with the three orders of government and the community working together, we can now complete the necessary improvements to maintain Regina's drainage and wastewater systems and help reduce the risk of property damage," said Mayor Fiacco. "Continuing to improve community infrastructure reflects City Council's long range vision for Regina as a city recognized for its economic, social and environmental sustainability."

The federal and provincial governments are investing $76 million in the four-year Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund. Participating communities are expected to contribute one-half the cost of any project, which could raise the total infrastructure investment to $152 million.

Community projects undergo a review process under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act and the provincial Environmental Assessment Act.

For more information on the Government of Canada and Saskatchewan's infrastructure programs, visit This link leaves our Web site or This link leaves our Web site

Federal funding for this initiative was provided for in Budget 2005.

Municipalities seeking more information should contact:

Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund Joint Secretariat
(306) 787-7414

For additional Program information, contact:

Grants Administration & Provincial-Municipal Relations
Saskatchewan Government Relations

Jay Heuchert, Program Advisor
410 - 1855 Victoria Avenue
Tel: (306) 787-7414
Fax: (306) 787-3641

For additional information, Media may contact:

Joanne Mysak
Manager, Communications
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Saskatoon, SK
Tel: (306) 975-5942

Maureen Boyle
Regina, Saskatchewan
Phone: (306) 787-5959

Lisa Wilson-Sturm
A/General Manager, Public Affairs
City of Regina
Phone: (306) 777-7486

WD Toll-Free Number
1 888 338-WEST (9378)

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This is the first major investment made through the new Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) agreement signed on January 14, 2005.

The Governments of Canada and Saskatchewan have agreed to jointly invest $76 million in municipal infrastructure projects across the province over the next four years. Participating communities are expected to contribute one-half the cost of any project, which will raise the total infrastructure investment to at least $152 million.

The Regina Drainage and Wastewater Improvements project under the C-S MRIFwill significantly reduce the risk of property damage through flooding and will maintain domestic sewer service at current acceptable standards. The two-year project will focus on the construction, expansion and renewal of wastewater and drainage infrastructure in Regina. Components include:

  • Construction of a large capacity detention pond to increase the capacity of the system to handle large runoff events
  • Upgrading the dyke along Wascana Creek
  • Construction of storm trunk sewers
  • Renewal of existing domestic sewer lines
  • Construction of full block replacement of lines
  • Construction of a combined wastewater and storm water pump station
  • Drainage ditch upgrades and creek dredging
  • Dredging and sediment removal from Wascana Creek

All three levels of government are investing in the Regina Wastewater and Drainage Improvements project over a two-year period:

  • Canada: $1,700,000
  • Saskatchewan: $1,700,000
  • City of Regina: $5,750,000

Municipalities that applied for funding this year will be notified soon if their applications were successful. A second and final project intake will occur in the fall of 2006. The C-S MRIF sets aside up to 20 per cent of its resources for projects in Saskatoon and Regina, and provides $4 million for water and sewer projects in northern Saskatchewan communities.

Eligible projects under the C-S MRIF include water and sewage treatment, solid waste, public transit and energy improvements to municipal buildings. The fund also supports better roads and bridges, cultural, recreational and tourism projects, and improved Internet connections. The C-S MRIF will invest at least 45 per cent of its resources in "green" projects that result in cleaner air and water.

A Project Review Committee, which consists of representatives from federal and provincial governments, the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association, the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities and the Saskatchewan Association of Northern Communities, reviews the applications and recommends projects for funding.

The Canada-Saskatchewan Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund builds on the Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program (CISP) in which the federal and provincial governments and Saskatchewan municipalities invested $264 million in 404 projects in 298 Saskatchewan communities.

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