Fisheries and Oceans Canada / Pêches et Océans Canada - Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
News Release

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Canadian and United States Coast Guard Leaders’ Summit

September 28, 2006

HALIFAX – George Da Pont, Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard and Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, met in Halifax this week to continue to formally build on the long-standing partnership between the two agencies.

"The Canadian and the U.S. Coast Guard have a long history of working together and are proud to help each other out in times of need," said the Honourable Loyola Hearn, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans. "This summit is an excellent example of our two countries co-operating to deal with issues of mutual interest."

The delegations met over three days to discuss shared interest such as challenges and opportunities surrounding maritime safety and security matters. This is the second time the Summit has been held; the first took place last year in Cleveland, Ohio.

"It’s hard to imagine a better partnership than the one the U.S. Coast Guard has with the Canadian Coast Guard," said Admiral Thad Allen, Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard. "When we needed them after Hurricane Katrina, they were there for us. This summit will only enhance our strong partnership and better prepare both Coast Guards for a broad range of threats and hazards."

Last year, the Canadian Coast Guard assisted its U.S. counterpart following Hurricane Katrina in the southern U.S. At the summit, the role of the CCGS Sir William Alexander in helping to repair, reposition and replace valuable weather buoys after the hurricane was formally recognized by the U.S.

"The Canadian and U.S. Coast Guard work together effectively every day along the St. Lawrence Seaway system, Great Lakes and Atlantic and Pacific coasts," said Commissioner Da Pont. "This work has allowed us to share information and continue to build on our unique maritime partnership."

The Canadian and U.S. Coast Guard routinely co-operate on environmental response activities, search and rescue, vessel tracking, marine aids to navigation, icebreaking and research and development projects.

Commandant Allen, who was designated Principal Federal Official in charge of Hurricane Katrina response and recovery operations for the U.S., thanked the vessel’s crew for its excellent contribution to the relief effort. Commissioner Da Pont presented Admiral Allen with the Canadian Coast Guard flag that was flown on the vessel during the relief operation.

At the Summit today, the Canadian Coast Guard Commissioner awarded Commendations to four members of the Coast Guard Auxiliary who rescued four survivors from the waters off Canso, Nova Scotia, on July 13, 2006, following the crash of a Canadian Forces Cormorant helicopter. Addison A. Underwood, Kenneth J. Snow, Captain William F.Bond and Captain J. Frederick Munroe received the Canadian Coast Guard’s highest decoration for rescuing the crewmen after their helicopter crashed into the ocean during a training exercise. The crash claimed the lives of three Canadian Forces airmen.

Members of the Canadian Coast Guard and its Auxiliary are committed to the highest level of service, whether it involves assisting victims of incidents at home or providing help to its southern neighbour following a disaster.

To download photos of today’s events and of the Summit leaders, please follow:


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Communications Branch
Fisheries and Oceans Canada

CDR Brendan McPherson
Press Secretary to the Commandant
U.S. Coast Guard
202-372-4407 (o)
202-841-1462 (c)



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    Last updated: 2006-10-30

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