National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

HMCS Ottawa to Depart for Arabian Gulf Region

CEFCOM NR–06.020 - September 1, 2006

OTTAWA – Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship Ottawa is heading to the Gulf region as part of Operation ALTAIR, Canada’s maritime contribution to the campaign against terrorism. The Halifax-class patrol frigate is expected to join coalition naval efforts in late-September, and will be deployed for six months.

HMCS Ottawa will deploy to the Gulf region with a US Expeditionary Strike Group, and will work with a coalition of naval forces. With her crew of about 225 officers and sailors, and her CH-124 Sea King helicopter detachment, HMCS Ottawa will conduct surveillance patrols and conduct maritime interdiction operations in order to control maritime activity in the region.

“The Navy’s participation in Operation ALTAIR represents a portion of Canada’s ongoing contribution and commitment to international peace and security, enhancing the security of Canadians at home and abroad,” said the Honourable Gordon O’Connor, Minister of National Defence. “It is a demonstration of Canada’s continued commitment to its coalition allies and to contributing to global stability.”  

“This deployment demonstrates Canada’s commitment to international security and the campaign against terrorism,” said General Rick Hillier, Chief of the Defence Staff. “Taking advantage of Canadian interoperability with coalition navies, I am confident that HMCS Ottawa will make an important contribution to coalition efforts for stability in the Arabian Gulf region.”

HMCS Ottawa is the third ship to deploy on Operation ALTAIR. The first was HMCS Toronto, from January to July 2004, and the second was HMCS Winnipeg, from April to September 2005. This is Canada’s 20th naval deployment in support of the campaign against terrorism.


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