National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


New Multi-Faith Chaplain Badges for the Canadian Forces

BG-06.030 - September 24, 2006

Prior to Canadian Forces (CF) unification in 1968, the chaplains wore different hat badges consistent with their distinct service in the Army, Navy or Air Force. With Forces unification also came unification of many support classifications, the Chaplain Branch being one of them.  The branch was awarded a common hat badge which was based on the original British Army pattern, modified with maple leaves to make it distinctly Canadian.

In order to better represent the diversity of Canadian society, and reflect the multi-faith nature of today’s chaplaincy, it was determined that the hat badges worn by CF chaplains should be updated and new designs have been adopted.

As the Chaplain Branch is no longer exclusively Christian, the new hat badges are unified by a common theme, but bear the distinctive faith identifiers of the chaplains who will wear them.

In the center of the hat badge is a different symbol for each faith tradition: for Christian chaplains, the Maltese cross, which has long been associated with Christian chaplaincy. Jewish chaplains will wear the symbol of the tablets of the Law and the Magen David (the star of David) and Muslim chaplains will wear the crescent.

To best serve the needs of all CF members and their families, the Chaplain Branch will continue to evolve and keep pace with society’s values. The new badges, designed by CF heraldic artists, signify this important change and the chaplaincy’s unwavering commitment to minister to our own, to facilitate the worship of others, and to care for all.

Christian Chaplain badge  Jewish Chaplain badge  Muslim Chaplain badge

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For more information about the Canadian Forces chaplaincy, see the Chaplain Branch website at

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