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  EDC adds trade finance access to unique government site for exporters
  OTTAWA – January 10, 2005 – Export Development Canada is partnering with the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service to expand the tool kit of the online Virtual Trade Commissioner for Canadian exporters. This free, password-protected website provides customized market information, business leads and, now, a quick entry to EDC’s trade finance and risk management tools.

“Canadian exporters who use this site can gain immediate access to trade finance services that are relevant to their particular international deal, whether that means doing a credit check on a potential foreign buyer, or getting a quick quote on credit insurance for a single transaction or multiple exports,” says Suzanne Morris, EDC’s Vice-President of Small Business Services.

“This service is especially useful for small- and medium-sized exporters,” says Morris.  “They can use the site, on their own schedule, to get international trade information straight from Canada’s representatives located in the markets that they’re interested in.”

Canadian business can use the Virtual Trade Commissioner to conveniently keep up to date on market reports, business news, trade events, business leads and trade finance services that match their international business activities and interests.

Once registered, businesses can also request a service directly from a trade commissioner who is knowledgeable about the industry in the country of interest.  “The needs of Canadian exporters vary from deal to deal and country to country.  By offering access to EDC through the Virtual Trade Commissioner, we believe that more companies will learn how EDC can improve their chances of international success and profitability,” says Morris. 

In addition to a direct link to an EDC specialist who can answer questions about EDC’s insurance, bonding and guarantees and financing services, Virtual Trade Commissioner users also get access to special EDC online services such as EXPORT Check, to order financial profiles on potential foreign customers, and EXPORT Protect, to insure a single export transaction against the risk of non-payment.

The Virtual Trade Commissioner, available to Canadian exporters or Canadian companies that are export ready and have selected their target markets, provides users secure direct access to over 800 trade commissioners in more than 140 offices abroad.  Exporters can register for the Virtual Trade Commissioner at: http://www.infoexport.gc.ca/.  

EDC provides trade finance and risk management services to Canadian exporters and investors in up to 200 markets. Founded in 1944, EDC is a Crown corporation that operates on commercial principles.


Media Contact:

Glen Nichols
Public Affairs - EDC
Tel: (613) 598-2876

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