National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Canadian Forces Disaster Assistance Response Team Deployment

BG-05.001 - January 3, 2005


A 17-member reconnaissance team, including an advance party of 11 CF members mostly from the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) based at Kingston, Ontario, left Ottawa enroute to Colombo, Sri Lanka, on Thursday, 30 December 2004 via commercial aircraft. Three representatives from FAC, two from CIDA and one from the Public Health Agency complete the team.

On 2 Jan 05, The Prime Minister announced the imminent deployment of the DART, pending reception of the final recommendation, today, from the deployed reconnaissance team. The DART's personnel and equipment will deploy by chartered aircraft to Sri Lanka.

DART Components

The DART serves four critical needs in emergencies, namely:

  • primary medical care;

  • production of safe drinking water;

  • a limited specialist engineer capability; and

  • a command and control structure that allows for effective communications between the DART, the host nation, and the other agencies involved in the relief effort, including international 0rganizations, non-governmental organizations and UN aid agencies.

The DART will deploy by up to four chartered Antonov flights, lifting about 225 tons of equipment. The DART 21-member advance party will deploy as soon as practical. The main body will follow shortly thereafter.

The DART is commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Mike Voith, who is already in Sri Lanka as part of the inter-departmental reconnaissance team.

Major Sarto LeBlanc is the deployed Public Affairs Officer. Until a direct link is established, all media queries must be directed through the Media Liaison Office at (613) 996-2353/2354.


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