National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Release

General Ray Henault's Farewell Message to Members of the Canadian Forces and Department of National Defence

NR–05.005 - January 14, 2005

OTTAWA – As you are aware, my time remaining as CDS is very short. As announced today by the Prime Minister, LGen (Gen) Rick Hillier will assume the responsibilities of CDS effective 4 Feb, as I leave to initiate my transition to the position of Chairman of NATO's Military Committee.

It has been my distinct honour to serve as the CDS for nearly four years, with the unwavering support of my wife, Loraine, and all the other members of my family. In fact, this has been the greatest privilege of my career.

The Canadian Forces has accomplished much during those years – largely due to the tremendous dedication and effort of all CF members. My three CDS Annual Reports are aptly titled to capture the essence of those accomplishments: for 2001-2002, “A t a Crossroads” ; for 2002-2003, “A Time for Transformation” ; and for 2003-2004, “ Making Choices” .

We have already begun the transformation process, made great advances on quality of life issues, enhanced our medical, educational and professional development processes, broken the back of a 12-year CF grievance backlog and developed a streamlined grievance process which will reduce turnaround times to one year by December 2005.

We've also led the Government's 3D approach, particularly in Afghanistan, procured new or updated equipment including: Cormorant search and rescue helicopters; Victoria class submarines; G-wagons; and the tactical uninhabited aerial vehicles. We're also continuing with significant upgrades to the CF-18, the Aurora, and a wide range of land force and naval equipments, and we have initiated the process to procure the new Maritime Helicopter, the Mobile Gun System and later, the Joint Support Ship.

We've met, and continue to meet, the security challenges presented to us since sep 11, 2001, all the while managing a high operational tempo with multiple operations including OPS PALLADIUM, HALO, APOLLO and ATHENA, and most recently, OP STRUCTURE in Sri Lanka.

This has led to new and enhanced partnerships with other Government departments and security agencies here at home and abroad, and important contributions with domestic and coalition partners to the ongoing Campaign Against Terrorism. And as part of that, we have deployed our joint air, land, and naval forces into operations across the full spectrum of conflict, including our deployment into combat in Afghanistan in 2002 – the first time Canadian land forces were deployed for combat since Korea and where JTF-2, our special operations forces, went into combat for the first time.

I wish to offer my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to all members of the Canadian Forces, the Department of National Defence, and our associated agencies for all that we have achieved during my time as CDS. I never cease to be amazed by your dedication, motivation, innovation and professionalism. Time and time again you have risen to the challenges of the demands placed on you and have done so in a manner that reflects superbly on our nation, the Canadian Forces, the Department of National Defence, and on you as individuals.

I know that your determination to ensure mission success and to do so in superb fashion is precisely what LGen (Gen) Hillier can count on from all members as he assumes leadership of this truly outstanding organization.

I look forward to continuing to work with many of you in my upcoming capacity as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee .

Again, many thanks to you and your families for your unconditional support to me throughout my time as CDS, and continued best success as the Canadian Forces enters another dynamic period in its history. The future is indeed bright.


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