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News Release

For Release
March 24, 2006

$17 Million Infrastructure Investment for Rural & Northern Communities

Niverville, Manitoba - Thirteen communities throughout rural and northern Manitoba will benefit from a $17 million investment in infrastructure, jointly announced today by the governments of Canada and Manitoba. This infrastructure investment, under the Canada-Manitoba Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF), includes construction and upgrades for water and sewer treatment systems in ten communities. Three more communities will see enhancements to tourism infrastructure that will promote economic development in rural Manitoba.

The announcement was made by the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Justice, on behalf of the Honourable Carol Skelton, Minister of National Revenue and Western Economic Diversification, and the Honourable Ron Lemieux, Minister of Transportation and Government Services on behalf of Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade Minister Scott Smith.

“The Government of Canada understands the needs of Manitoba’s rural municipalities, and we are responding to them,” said Minister Toews. “Whether expanding tourism capacity or building a water treatment plant, these infrastructure investments will improve the environment for business growth and economic development, creating strong, viable communities in rural Manitoba.”

“The province is pleased to partner with the federal government and municipalities so that rural and northern Manitobans throughout the province get water and sewer services they need at a reasonable cost,” said Lemieux. “These projects were identified by municipalities as priorities for residents.”

The projects announced today are based on recommendations from MRIF’s Rural/Northern Federal Provincial Local Consultative Committee (FPLCC). The FPLCC consists of local government representatives from the Association of Manitoba Municipalities (AMM) and the Northern Association of Community Councils (NACC). The consultative committee was created to provide input in the project selection process for MRIF.

“Manitoba Municipalites have huge infrastructure needs and this investment will go a long way toward meeting some of those needs,” said Ron Bell, AMM President “The AMM is pleased to be a partner in the process of selecting these thirteen very worthwhile projects.”

“This infrastructure investment in rural and northern Manitoba is significant for these communities,” said Reg Meade, NACC President. “As part of the FPLCC, these projects were selected with NACC’s input for their strong positive impact for the communities involved.”

The governments of Canada and Manitoba have each committed $5.75 million in partnership with matching contributions from local governments to support the projects announced today. This latest funding announcement brings MRIF’s total investment in rural and northern Manitoba to $56 million for 29 projects.

Consisting of matching one-third federal, provincial, and local contributions in most cases, the Canada-Manitoba Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) is investing a total of $120 million in communities across Manitoba. Eighty per cent of MRIF is earmarked for communities with a population under 250,000, including 198 municipalities and 50 unincorporated Northern Community Councils in rural and northern Manitoba. The remaining 20 per cent is for communities over 250,000.

More information on Canada and Manitoba infrastructure projects can be found at www.infrastructure.gc.ca or www.infrastructure.mb.ca.

For additional information, contact:

Mark Gale
Communications Manager
Western Economic Diversification Canada
Tel: (204) 983-6243

Jacqueline Petrus, Communications Coordinator
Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Secretariat
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 945-8778
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-4883
Secretariat Website: www.infrastructure.mb.ca

Graham Gork, Communications Coordinator
Government of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba
(204) 945-5795
MB Government Website: www.gov.mb.ca

WD Toll-Free Number: 1 888 338-WEST (9378)
Web Site: WD is online at www.wd-deo.gc.ca.
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Thirteen Rural and Northern Infrastructure Projects
Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF)

Canada-Manitoba Infrastructure Programs

Each of the following projects is receiving funding under the Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (MRIF) through matching one-third contributions from the federal and provincial governments and the local project proponent.

Interlake Region

RM of St. Clements
East Selkirk Sewer and Water


This project will provide water and sewage treatment for residents and businesses in and around East Selkirk, which is located in the RM of St. Clements. The RM of St. Clements has negotiated an agreement to obtain potable water and sewage treatment from the City of Selkirk, which has a treatment plant that is currently only operating at 48 per cent capacity. This initiative will address the boil water issue in East Selkirk.


RM of Bifrost
Industrial Park Water Services

$  600,000

The project will extend sewer and water services from the Town of Arborg to 24 unserviced sites in a designated industrial area within the RM of Bifrost. These upgrades will provide infrastructure to encourage new business ventures, as well as the expansion of existing businesses, which will result in an anticipated 39 new jobs.


Northern Region

Sherridon Community Council
Sherridon Water Treatment Plant


This project will provide for the construction of a water treatment plant and the installation of water and sewer lines in Sherridon. The new water treatment plant will  replace the two existing ones in Cold Lake and Sherridon. Sherlett Lake will become the new water source, replacing Cold Lake, which is contaminated by mine tailings from the abandoned Sherridon Mine.


North Central Region

City of Portage la Prairie
Crescent Lake Recreational Enhancements

$  360,000

This project will enhance and improve Crescent Lake’s recreation facilities, which are centre pieces for the outdoor leisure and cultural life of Portage la Prairie. Visitors and residents alike will enjoy a safer, more user-friendly outdoor recreational area as a result of this project.


Parklands Region

RM of Ochre River
Oako Beach Drive

$   66,000

This project consists of the construction of a service road that will offer a safe transportation route for cyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicle traffic in Oako Beach. The new road will increase traffic safety, improve drainage and provide street lights for residents as well as tourists using the golf course, Dauphin Lake and beach amenities.

South Central Region

RM of Lorne
Swan Lake Lagoon


The existing Swan Lake Lagoon is leaking and is hydraulically overloaded. A new lagoon, sized to accommodate community growth, will be built to alleviate these environmental issues. The new lagoon will treat the wastewater of all 118 households and eliminate potential for water contamination caused by infiltration of wastewater.


Town of Altona/RM of Rhineland
Wastewater Treatment Facility Expansion


This project involves the construction of two additional lagoon cells, a new larger primary cell with an upgraded aeration system, and a secondary cell that will increase winter storage capacity. This new facility will better service both communities and will eliminate the possibility of water contamination from the current lagoon.


South East Region

Town of Niverville
Wastewater Treatment Upgrades


As one of Manitoba’s fastest growing communities, Niverville has outgrown its current lagoon. Niverville’s new lagoon will be situated in the RM of Ritchot and will be large enough to accommodate the needs of the residents in both Niverville and Ritchot. This new system will eliminate potential environmental issues caused by infiltration of contaminated water as well as the need for emergency discharges.


South West Region

RM of Ellice
Qu’Appelle Valley Tourism Road


This project involves the construction of a road along the scenic Qu’Appelle Valley to Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan. It is part of the RM of Ellice’s Vision Plan to promote the development of tourism as an economic tool for sustainability and growth within the region. The Vision Plan was developed with assistance from the Conseil de développement des municipalités bilingues du Manitoba (CDEM), which represents Manitoba’s 16 bilingual municipalities.


RM of Strathcona
Belmont Lagoon Upgrades


This project will result in the reparation of the leaking Belmont wastewater lagoon in order to meet current regulations of the Environment Act. This new system will service 120 households, 280 cottages, and the RM of Riverside residents, whose wastewater disposal site has been closed.


RM of North Cypress
Brookdale Sewer System


This project will address concerns regarding the quality of ground water and risks of contaminants leeching into the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer. A two-cell facultative lagoon, septic truck dumping facility, forced main, booster station outfall and associated works will address problems with on-site septic tank and field systems which are not meeting acceptable standards.


Village of St. Lazare
Water and Sewer Extension


The completion of this project will ensure that the community of St. Lazare will have a reliable infrastructure for water and sewer distribution with minimal long term operating costs. The aging water and sewer infrastructure will be extended and repaired to meet new regulations.


Town of Minnedosa
Water Treatment Plant Upgrades


Federal, provincial, and local governments are partnering with Husky Energy to upgrade the water treatment plant. These upgrades are needed to meet the water capacity and quality needs for the proposed $125 million Husky Energy ethanol plant expansion in Minnedosa. This expansion will enable the province of Manitoba to become a leader in creating fuel to meet stricter environmental standards.