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Gateway Pipeline Inc.

Enbridge Gateway Project
Projet d'oléoduc Enbridge Gateway

Public Registry
Registre public

* Last update: 12 October 2006
The latest updates are marked with an asterisk.
* Dernière mise à jour : le 12 octobre 2006
Les plus récentes mises à jour portent un astérisque.

OFFICIAL LANGUAGES: The National Energy Board is bound by the Official Languages Act and relevant Treasury Board policies. However, some material on these pages originates with organizations not subject to the Official Languages Act and is made available on this site in the language in which it was written. LANGUES OFFICIELLES : L'Office national de l'énergie est lié par la Loi sur les langues officielles et les politiques pertinentes du Conseil du Trésor. Certains documents lui sont soumis par des organisations qui ne sont pas assujetties à cette loi; ils sont donc reproduits sur notre site dans leur version originale.

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Gateway Pipeline Inc. (Gateway)

5 June 2006: Gateway Response and Invitation to the President of the Haida Nation to have further Discussions Directly with Gateway on behalf of the Gateway Pipeline Project. [Document A0U4Z7]

29 March 2006: Letter to the NEB and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency providing information on certain modifications to the Gateway Project that have developed since Gateway filed its Preliminary Information Package early in November 2005. [Document A0T9R4]

9 January 2006: Letter to the National Energy Board (NEB) providing additional information on the proposed Enbridge Gateway Project in response to an NEB letter dated 22 December 2005 [Document A0S8Z6] enclosing:

  • 27 October 2005: Letter from Donovan & Company on behalf of the Haisla Nation expressing concern over the proposed Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project. [Document A0S8Z4]
  • 22 December 2005: Letter from the Council of the Haida Nation to the National Energy Board expressing concern over the proposed Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project. [Document A0S6W0]

1 November 2005: Preliminary Information Package for the Gateway Pipeline Project. [Filing A10717]

National Energy Board (NEB)

Office national de l'énergie (ONÉ)

30 March 2006: Letter to Tthowgwelth in response to the "Notice of Constitutional Question by Affidavit of Interest of Affected Party" submitted 20 March 2006. [Document A0T8T0]

3 March 2006: Letter to the Kitamaat Village Council in response to their letter dated 28 January 2006. [Document A0T5E6]

3 March 2006: Letter to the Office of the Wet'suwet'en in response to their letter dated 13 January 2006. [Document A0T5E7]

3 March 2006: Letter to the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council in response to their letter dated 12 January 2006 and letters from their legal representative dated 20 and 22 February 2006. [Document A0T5E8]

3 March 2006: Letter to Ratcliff & Company LLP, legal representation for the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, in response to letters written by or on behalf of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council dated 12 January, 20 February and 22 February 2006. [Document A0T5E9]

9 February 2006: Letter to the Haida Nation regarding concerns about the possible effects of the project on the Haida people. [Document A0T0Y3]

9 February 2006: Letter to the Minister of the Environment from the Chairman of the Board containing a recommendation on the appropriate environmental assessment process for the proposed Enbridge Gateway Project. [Document A0T2J3]

28 November 2005: Letter to Provincial and Federal Authorities requesting a determination on environmental assessment responsibilities and enclosing a faxback form. [Filing A10850]

22 December 2005: Letter to Gateway Pipeline Inc. requesting additional information on the proposed Enbridge Gateway Project. [Document A0S8Z8]

Environment Canada (EC)

Environnement Canada (EC)

3 February 2006: Letter to the NEB expressing support for the referral of the Enbridge Gateway Project to Panel under section 25 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. [Document A0T2J5]

3 January 2006: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that Environment Canada is a Responsible Authority under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. [Document A0S7C1]

Health Canada (HC)

Santé Canada (SC)

5 December 2005: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that Health Canada British Columbia / Yukon Region has specialist or expert information that is necessary to conduct an environmental assessment of the project. [Document A0S4E9]

30 November 2005: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that Health Canada has specialist or expert information that is necessary to conduct an environmental assessment of the project. [Document A0S3V3]

Minister of the Environment
/ Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency

Ministre de l'Environnment
/ Agence canadienne d'évaluation environnementale

29 September 2006 - News Release - Enbridge Gateway Project - Draft Joint Review Panel Agreement Released for Comment. A copy of the Draft Agreement could be viewed by clicking on fifth paragraph of this News Release. /
29 septembre 2006 - Communiqué - Projet d'oléoduc Enbridge Gateway - L'ébauche de l'entente concernant la commission d'examen conjoint est rendue publique aux fins de commentaires. Une copie de l'ébauche peut être examinée en cliquant au paragraphe cinq de ce communiqué.

30 March 2006 - Letter to Mr. Ken Vollman regarding recommendation for environmental assessment by a review panel. [Document A0T9W8]

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)

Ressources naturelles Canada (RNCan)

30 November 2005: Letter to the NEB requesting information on the possible use of explosives prior to making a determination under section 5 of the CEAA Act. [Document A0S3W9]

Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)

Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien (AINC)

28 November 2005: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that INAC is a Responsible Authority under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. [Document A0S7C3]

Parks Canada (PC)

Parcs Canada (PC)

2 December 2005: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that Parks Canada has specialist or expert information that is necessary to conduct an environmental assessment of the project. [Document A0S4C7]

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)

Pêches et Océans Canada (MPO)

17 March 2006: Letter to Ratcliff and Company LLP, legal representation for the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, apologizing for any misrepresentation of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council's support for a panel review. [Document A0T7L3]

10 February 2006: Letter to the NEB supporting the referral of the Environmental Assessment for the Enbridge Gateway Project to a Panel Review. [Document A0T1X8]

10 January 2006: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that Environment Canada is a Responsible Authority under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. [Document A0S7R1]

British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office (EAO)

13 December 2005: Letter to the NEB stating that the project is not subject to any certificate that may be issued under the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Act. [Document A0S5Y4]

Alberta Environment

22 December 2005: Letter to the NEB advising of Alberta Environment's involvement in the project as well as the desired involvement of other provincial agencies [Document A0S6V8]

Transport Canada

Transports Canada

2 February 2006: Letter to the NEB expressing support for the referral of the Enbridge Gateway Project to Panel under section 25 of the Canadian Environemntal Assessment Act. [Document A0T2J1]

3 January 2006: Section 5 Faxback form to the NEB stating that Transport Canada is a Responsible Authority under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. [Document A0S7A5]

Aboriginal Groups

Groupes autochtones

* 10 October 2006 - Letter from Nations and members of the Oweekeno, Kitasoo and Nuxalk Tribal Council conveying their unanimous opposition to the Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project. [Document A0W3Z7]

5 July 2006: Letter from Ratcliff & Company on behalf of Carrier Sekani Tribal Council to the National Energy Board regarding follow-up to NEB Information Meeting on 26 June 2006. [Document A0V0E1]

20 March 2006: "Notice of Constitutional Question by Affidavit of Interest of Affected Party" submitted by Tthowgwelth. [Document A0T8J7]

22 February 2006: Letter from Ratcliff & Company, on behalf of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council to Fisheries and Oceans Canada clarifying that the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council has asked to be consulted before a decision is made on the environmental assessment review process. [Document A0T4L2]

22 February 2006: Letter from Ratcliff & Company, on behalf of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council to the Minister of Environment clarifying that the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council has asked to be consulted before a decision is made on the environmental assessment review process. [Document A0T4L0]

22 February 2006: Letter from Ratcliff & Company, on behalf of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council to the National Energy Board clarifying that the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council has asked to be consulted before a decision is made on the environmental assessment review process. [Document A0T4R4]

20 February 2006: Letter from Ratcliff & Company, on behalf of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council to the National Energy Board seeking assistance in setting an early meeting between representatives of the NEB, CEAA and the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council. [Document A0T5C0]

28 January 2006: Letter from Kitamaat Village Council to the Chairman of the National Energy Board regarding the Gateway Pipeline Project being propsed by Enbridge. [Document A0S9U7]

13 January 2006: Letter from the Office of the Wet'suwet'en to the National Energy Board expressing concern over the proposed Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project and requesting a consultation process. [Document A0S9H7]

12 January 2006: Letter from Carrier Sekani Tribal Council to the NEB and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency expressing concern over the proposed Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project. [Document A0S8S7]

22 December 2005: Letter from the Council of the Haida Nation to the National Energy Board expressing concern over the proposed Enbridge Gateway Pipeline Project. [Document A0S6W0]

Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations

Organisations non gouvernementales à vocation écologique

12 April 2006 - Letter to the Board from Pembina Institute, on behalf of environmental groups, regarding the rationale of proceeding given the existence of the tanker traffic moratorium. [Document A0T9T4]