Parks Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada

News Releases and Backgrounders


The Canadian Heritage Rivers System

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System is Canada’s national river conservation program. It promotes, protects and enhances Canada’s river heritage, and ensures that Canada’s leading rivers are managed in a sustainable manner. The program engenders the ethic of responsible river stewardship, while building on the strengths of cooperation and public support.

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System is a public trust. Local citizens champion the program, and the actions taken are grassroots driven. Governments – federal, provincial and territorial – lend support and guidance to the program, and provide approvals as required. Care is taken to respect the rights and concerns of communities, Aboriginal peoples, landowners and other stakeholders. These cornerstones make the Canadian Heritage Rivers System an open and effective forum for collaboration and partnership on river conservation.

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System is administered by the Canadian Heritage Rivers Board, comprised of members appointed by the federal, provincial and territorial governments. The board is governed by a charter, which affirms its role in overseeing the development and operation of the program. A 10-year strategic plan, reviewed annually by the board, sets overarching goals and objectives, and defines a blueprint for the future.

Importantly, the Canadian Heritage Rivers System has no legislative authority. It is driven by voluntary participation, partnership, cooperation and community involvement. Within this spirit of trust and goodwill, governments pledge to work in partnership with the public and one another to build a system that truly reflects the diversity and beauty of Canada’s rivers. Governments retain their traditional jurisdictional authorities and management responsibilities throughout this process.

The Canadian Heritage Rivers System was established in 1984 by the federal, provincial and territorial governments to conserve and protect the best examples of Canada's river heritage, to give them national recognition, and to encourage the public to enjoy and appreciate them.

The Three Rivers Management Plan was developed by the Three Rivers Heritage Association and submitted to the Province of Prince Edward Island. The province then moved it forward to the Canadian Heritage Rivers Board. Four provincial departments reviewed it during the spring of 2004, each becoming signatory to the submission, and it was then presented to the Board. Approval for designation was signed by the Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of the Environment, on September 17, 2004.

News Release associated with this Backgrounder.