National Defence
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Media Advisory

Correction to News Release Relating to Renaming of PRT Site in Afghanistan

MA-05.061 - October 18, 2005

OTTAWA– A news release issued by the CF on October 15, 2005, announcing the renaming of the Canadian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) compound in Kandahar, to “Camp Nathan Smith” mistakenly identified Pte Nathan Smith as the “youngest and most junior” victim of the Tarnak Farm friendly fire accident. The 2002 incident also took the lives of Sgt Marc Leger, Cpl Ainsworth Dyer, and Pte Richard Green.

Please note that Pte Nathan Smith was not the youngest victim, but he was the most junior soldier of the four with the least number of years in service with the CF. We apologize for this error and regret any inconvenience this situation may have caused.


The corrected news release can be found at:

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