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Georges A Goyer, QC Memorial Award – 2006
Lawyer Thomas R. Berger, OC, QC received one of the Canadian Bar Association BC Branch’s highest honours, the Georges A. Goyer, QC Memorial Award. The Award was presented to Mr. Berger at the 2006 Bench & Bar Dinner at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver. Read more.

CBABC Calls for PST Elimination in 2007 Budget
Presenting to the Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services on October 6, 2006, President Frits Verhoeven called on government to remove the discriminatory and harmful tax on legal services in preparation for the 2007 Budget. See submission here, and presentation transcript here.

CBA Honours Exceptional BC Lawyers
Whether they’re improving the status of historically marginalized communities, supporting access to justice for the poor, or tirelessly volunteering for charitable organizations, lawyers are making a difference across BC. The Canadian Bar Association BC Branch recognizes the many unsung heroes in the legal profession who are quietly improving communities, and proudly congratulates the nominated recipients. Read more.

Important Notice to Lawyers
On August 17th, the Government of British Columbia issued additional guidelines to lawyers with respect to collection and remittance of the Social Services Tax on Legal Services. Read the guidelines. Read more about the CBA’s fight to eliminate the tax on legal services.

The Registered Plan [Retirement Income] Exemption Act for British Columbia
Read the CBABC brief submitted to the Ministry of Finance of British Columbia, as part of an advocacy campaign to extend protection from creditors for registered retirement savings. This is an important issue for many lawyers and others whose retirement savings are self-financed through registered plans rather than pensions (which are creditor protected).

CBA Futures
“Crystal Clear: Strategic Directions for the CBA," the CBA Futures Report, looks ten years into the future.

More News >

Effective Law Reform, One Meeting at a Time
CBA legislation and law reform agenda ensures Bar input

From the President
The Experience Gap

December Issue >  More Headlines >

NWBA Christmas Dinner, Dec 8
LAP: Healthy Living as Lawyers, Dec 12
KBA AGM / Bench & Bar Dinner, Dec 14
LAP: Planning Your Next Career Move, Dec 20
LAP: Life Balance for Lawyers, Jan 16, 23, 30
LCBA Presidents Meeting, Jan 26
CBABC Provincial Council, Jan 27
LAP: Life Balance for Lawyers, Feb 6, 13, 20
CBA Mid-Winter Meeting of Council, Feb 18-19

Click here for additional conferences and events.

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Mont Tremblant 2007
Mont Tremblant 2007

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Sun Peaks
Mt Washington
Silver Star & Big White
Vancouver East Cultural Centre

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BCSC Practice Direction
Class Proceedings Act
CBA National Class Action Database

Inns of Court 2007

BC Ministry of Attorney General, High Security / High Profile Trial Advisory

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