Provincial Library    

The Provincial Library is entrusted, through The Public Libraries Act, 1996, to coordinate the province-wide public library system. It fulfils this role by developing province-wide library policies, maintaining an electronic library information network, co-ordinating resource sharing activities, and providing cost-effective centralized services.

Provincial Library also administers The Libraries Co-operation Act, which establishes the Multitype Library Board. The purpose of the Board is to facilitate co-operation among all types of libraries in the province, including public, academic, school and special libraries working together to enhance library services for all Saskatchewan people.

In a knowledge-based society it is in the public interest for all residents to have access to library information. New technology is being used to provide increased access to library information and materials across Saskatchewan in ways that were never before possible:

  • The Saskatchewan Libraries web site allows users to search library catalogues, full-text resources, and the Internet for information.
  • SUNCAT, the Saskatchewan Union Catalogue, shows about one million records of books and other resources found in public, post-secondary education, special and school libraries.
  • The Every Library Connected Program was a federal/provincial agreement that provided funding for automation of branch libraries and establishment of Community Access Program (CAP) sites for free Internet access services for library patrons.

The Canada-Saskatchewan Agreement on Community Access is currently providing $1.4 million to sustain the Library CAP sites that were established under The Every Library Connected Program.

Provincial Library facilitates the goal of equitable access to library information and resources for Saskatchewan residents by administering the Interlibrary Loans and Reciprocal Borrowing agreements.

Provincial Library Vision, Mission and Operating Principles
