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Currency Museum.
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"Money is the most important thing in the world" George Bernard Shaw.

Whether or not you agree with Shaw's statement, it is hard to dispute the fact that money has played an influential role in numerous societies throughout history. The Currency Museum explores some of the many fascinating tales in the history/evolution of money. Find out more about the intriguing development of money through the ages. See different and unusual currencies from other countries and times past, such as shells, glass beads, tea bricks, and precious metals like gold, silver, and bronze. Discover the unique history of Canadian notes, coins, and tokens. Discover just how money can talk!

QuickTime VR tour
Take a virtual stroll through the eight galleries of the Currency Museum.

Special Days
Events and Activities at the Currency Museum.

On your next visit to the Museum, don’t forget to stop by our boutique.

Bank of Canada.