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Alberta Research
and Development


Research Sectors

· Energy Research
· Information and Communications Technology
· Life Sciences

Technology Commercialization and Development


Alberta's Technology Industry Directory


Business Attraction and Growth


Key Contacts

Energy Research

The Government of Alberta’s commitment to energy research is more important today than ever before. Alberta’s conventional oil and gas supplies are declining, and relying solely on current methods of production is not an option. Research is needed to develop ways to recover the significant amount of conventional oil that is left behind, as well as less energy intensive methods to extract heavy oil and bitumen. Research is also necessary to enable the energy sector to reduce the impact of greenhouse gases and other emissions.

Over the years, government and industry have worked together to invest in technology and research, and find innovative ways to extract and process energy resources. In fact, all major technologies currently being used by Alberta’s energy sector were developed as a direct result of government-industry collaboration. And the government is committed to continuing to partner with industry to pursue energy research opportunities and address the challenges.

Through the Alberta Energy Research Institute, Alberta Innovation and Science will work with other government departments, including Alberta Economic Development, Alberta Energy, Alberta Environment and Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, to achieve this goal.

· Alberta Science and Research Authority
· Alberta Energy Research Institute
· Energy Research Strategy

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