Related tables:   Income.  

Average income after tax by economic family types
(2000 to 2004)
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  $ constant 2004
Economic families1,  two people or more 59,200 61,500 61,600 61,100 62,700
Elderly families2 42,600 44,000 44,700 44,500 45,400
Married couples only 41,300 43,000 43,300 43,500 44,900
All other elderly families 47,200 48,100 49,800 48,200 47,200
Non-elderly families3 61,900 64,400 64,300 63,900 65,700
Married couples only 56,300 60,700 60,000 58,400 59,100
No earner 29,100 33,500 30,000 30,200 28,500
One earner 45,600 50,400 46,900 46,800 49,200
Two earners 63,700 67,900 68,400 65,700 65,500
Two parent families with children4 67,100 69,500 70,100 70,700 73,200
No earner 21,900 24,700 24,600 23,000 24,600
One earner 48,900 50,800 53,400 54,200 53,200
Two earners 67,800 69,800 70,100 70,400 72,700
Three or more earners 85,300 88,100 87,200 87,800 91,800
Married couples with other relatives 85,500 85,300 84,800 84,800 87,400
Lone-parent families4 33,100 34,300 32,800 33,400 33,700
Male lone-parent families 44,200 43,000 43,600 46,300 44,300
Female lone-parent families 30,800 32,500 30,300 30,500 31,300
No earner 16,300 17,200 16,400 16,200 17,400
One earner 30,600 32,100 30,400 30,200 31,100
Two or more earners 49,000 51,200 44,800 46,700 45,000
All other non-elderly families 53,700 56,500 58,000 53,900 56,800
Unattached individuals 24,100 25,200 25,800 26,000 26,000
Elderly male 23,600 25,400 25,300 26,000 25,600
Non-earner 22,500 24,100 23,500 23,400 24,500
Earner 29,900 33,000 32,800 35,100 29,800
Elderly female 21,100 22,400 22,900 22,400 23,200
Non-earner 20,600 21,600 22,500 21,900 22,500
Earner 28,800 33,500 27,800 26,600 29,100
Non-elderly male 27,000 27,900 28,300 28,800 28,300
Non-earner 9,600 11,300 11,000 11,600 11,100
Earner 30,300 31,100 31,800 32,400 31,400
Non-elderly female 21,900 23,100 24,200 24,300 24,400
Non-earner 9,900 11,400 11,300 12,100 12,000
Earner 26,000 27,000 28,200 27,900 27,900

Find information related to this table (CANSIM table(s); Definitions, data sources and methods; The Daily; publications; and related Canadian Statistics tables).

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