The Daily
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Characteristics of international travellers

Second quarter 2006 (preliminary)

Canadians headed out of the country in increasing numbers between April and June 2006, surging into the United States as well as setting yet another quarterly record for travel to countries other than the United States.

Overnight travel to the United States rose for the third consecutive quarter on a year-over-year basis, likely boosted by a strong Canadian dollar. At the same time, second-quarter travel to overseas nations hit a record level for the third straight year.

The second quarter was also marked by an increase in overnight travel to Canada as more overseas visitors came to the country. However, fewer American residents made overnight trips to Canada.

Travel to the US: New York, Florida most popular states

Canadian residents took about 3.9 million overnight trips to the United States between April and June, up 7.5% from the same three months last year.

As is usually the case during the second quarter, more Canadians visited New York State than any other American state. An estimated 659,000 overnight visits were made by Canadians to the Empire State, up 19.1% from the second quarter last year.

There were about 569,000 overnight visits by Canadian tourists to Florida between April and June, a 5.6% gain from the same period in 2005.

Of the top 10 most visited states, only 2 recorded fewer overnight Canadian visitors: Nevada, where travel fell 15.0%, and Maine, where it was down 4.4%. Despite increases in the number of visits, spending by Canadians declined in 5 of the top 10 states.

Pleasure trips, which accounted for 56% of overnight Canadian travel to the United States, rose 7.9% from the second quarter of 2005. The number of business trips increased a slight 0.7%, while the number of trips to visit friends and relatives jumped 11.9%.

More than half of overnight travel to the US was by car. Canadians used an automobile for nearly 2.2 million overnight trips in the second quarter, up 8.3% compared to the second quarter of 2005. The number of overnight trips taken by air increased 5.4% during the same period.

Spending by Canadians in the United States rose 2.5% to about $2.9 billion. Average spending per overnight trip declined from $777 to $741.

In terms of US dollars, the Canadian dollar was 10.8% higher in the second quarter of 2006 than it was in the same period in 2005.

Canadians travelling overseas in record numbers

Canadians set a new record for second quarter travel to overseas nations this year as nearly 1.6 million trips were taken by residents during the second quarter. This was a 5.5% increase over the same quarter last year, when the previous record was set.

The top three most visited overseas countries for Canadians were the United Kingdom, France and Cuba. Travel to the United Kingdom fell 9.6% from the second quarter in 2005, while travel to France was up 5.5% and travel to Cuba rose 13.4%.

Italy experienced the largest decline among the top 10 overseas destinations, as there were 34.6% fewer overnight visits by Canadians to the country. This followed a jump of over 50% in Canadian visits in the second quarter of 2005 when the funeral of the late Pope John Paul II occurred, as well as the installation of Pope Benedict XVI.

Travel to China set a record in the second quarter, surpassing the previous mark established in 2002. Travel to this country had sharply declined from April to June of 2003 at the height of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) crisis.

During their travels in overseas countries, Canadians spent an estimated $2.4 billion, up 5.9% from the second quarter last year.

More overseas visitors coming to Canada

While Canadians were travelling in record numbers overseas, the number of overseas visitors to Canada also increased in the second quarter of this year.

An estimated 1.1 million overnight trips were made by overseas tourists to Canada between April and June, up 4.6% from the same period last year and the third straight year of increases for the second quarter. This follows three consecutive years of decreases that had culminated during the second-quarter of 2003 at the height of the SARS crisis.

The United Kingdom remained the top overseas country of origin with 234,000 overnight trips to Canada. Japan remained steady in second spot as 95,000 of its residents took overnight trips to Canada.

Mexican residents took 27.4% more overnight trips to Canada between April and June, perhaps reflecting the fact that Easter was celebrated in April this year rather than in March, as had been the case the year before. Easter is a major holiday in Mexico and a popular time for people to travel.

Overall, overseas residents spent an estimated $1.5 billion on overnight trips in Canada, down 0.8% from the second quarter of 2005.

Fewer American visitors coming to Canada

An estimated 3.7 million overnight trips were taken by US residents to Canada during the second quarter of this year, a marginal 0.4% decline from the same period last year.

While cars remained the most popular method of travel for overnight trips to Canada, 3.3% fewer trips were taken by automobile. Nonetheless, about 2.2 million, or 58.6%, of all overnight trips were taken by car.

American residents took nearly 1.1 million overnight trips by air to Canada between April and June of this year, up 4.7%.

Travel from the US rose in the two largest categories. Americans made 2.1 million trips for pleasure, an increase of 2.7%, and about 691,000 to visit friends and relatives, up 4.9%. Overnight travel in the third largest category, business trips, edged downward 0.2% to about 555,000.

Among the top 10 states of origin for overnight travel to Canada, 6 states recorded year-over-year increases in the second quarter. New York remained the top state of origin for overnight visitors as nearly 500,000 trips were taken to Canada.

Massachusetts recorded the largest gain (+25.1%), and Michigan, the largest decline (-19.1%).

Despite the decrease in the number of overnight trips to Canada, American residents spent nearly $2.0 billion in Canada, up 2.3% from the second quarter of 2005.

This release summarises data now available from the International Travel Survey. Tables, various statistical profiles and micro-data files of characteristics of international travellers using preliminary second quarter 2006 data and revised first quarter 2006 data are now available on request.

Data on characteristics of international travellers for the third quarter of 2006 will be released on February 26, 2007.

Definitions, data sources and methods: survey number 3152.

To obtain one or more of these products, contact Client Services (toll-free 1-800-307-3382; 613-951-9169; fax: 613-951-2909; To enquire about the concepts, methods or data quality of this release, contact Frances Kremarik (613-951-4240; fax: 613-951-2909;, Culture, Tourism and the Centre for Education Statistics.

Overnight travel between Canada and other countries
  Trips Expenditures
  Second quarter  2005r First quarter  2006r Second quarter  2006p Second quarter  2005  to second quarter  2006 Second quarter 2005r First quarter  2006r Second quarter  2006p Second quarter  2005  to second quarter  2006
  thousands % change $ millions % change
Canadian trips abroad 5,102 5,740 5,454 6.9 5,045 5,748 5,249 4.0
To the United States 3,617 3,530 3,888 7.5 2,811 2,939 2,882 2.5
To other countries 1,485 2,210 1,566 5.5 2,235 2,809 2,367 5.9
Travel to Canada 4,817 2,528 4,851 0.7 3,411 1,837 3,445 1.0
From the United States 3,723 1,910 3,707 -0.4 1,938 963 1,983 2.3
From other countries 1,094 618 1,144 4.6 1,473 874 1,462 -0.8

Top 10 overseas countries of origin for travellers to Canada
  Second quarter 2005r Second quarter 2006p Second quarter 2005 to second quarter 2006
  Overnight trips (thousands) % change
United Kingdom 233 234 0.3
Japan 100 95 -5.2
Germany 78 79 1.5
France 74 76 2.8
Mexico 44 56 27.4
Australia 51 54 7.1
South Korea 42 46 9.3
China 30 35 19.2
India 31 35 12.4
Netherlands 32 33 3.3

Top US States visited by Canadian residents
  Overnight visits Expenditures
  Second quarter 2005r Second quarter 2006p Second quarter 2005  to second quarter 2006 Second quarter 2005r Second quarter 2006p Second quarter 2005  to second quarter 2006
  thousands % change $ millions % change
New York 553 659 19.1 173 223 28.7
Florida 538 569 5.6 965 916 -5.1
Washington 389 434 11.6 83 95 15.2
Michigan 309 329 6.5 72 61 -15.7
California 216 230 6.5 174 216 24.1
Nevada 250 213 -15.0 225 217 -3.3
Pennsylvania 179 208 16.1 39 38 -2.6
Maine 148 141 -4.4 36 35 -3.3
Minnesota 114 133 17.4 33 39 18.8
Ohio 129 129 0.4 25 27 7.7

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