Aboriginal Surveys

Our lives, our future!

Statistics Canada will be conducting two surveys with the Aboriginal population – the Aboriginal Children’s Survey and the Aboriginal Peoples Survey.

If you are a First Nations person living off-reserve, Inuit or Métis, you may be invited to participate on a voluntary basis. The surveys will paint a picture of a variety of topics that are important to Aboriginal people, such as child care, health care, education, housing and cultural aspects like language.

Results from these surveys will be used by Aboriginal people, Provincial/Territorial Governments and the Government of Canada to help determine future needs and policies.

The surveys have been developed in consultation with Aboriginal advisors from across the country and in collaboration with:

  • Congress of Aboriginal Peoples
  • Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
  • The Métis National Council
  • National Association of Friendship Centres (NAFC)
  • Native Women's Association of Canada

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