What is RSS?

Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary is an XML "(eXtensible Markup Language)" text format that allows users with the appropriate news reader software to have new information or content from a website delivered to them automatically–without having to go to the website to get it.

More information on RSS and links to free RSS news reader downloads are available through the Government of Canada Newsroom. Look under "Choose your News" at news.gc.ca and click on the topic News aggregators / News readers.

If you already have a news reader, use the links* below to subscribe to the Statistics Canada feeds that interest you. Follow the instructions provided by your news reader. Note that these pages may not appear like normal Web pages when you view them using only your regular browser.

Available feeds (for The Daily):

  • Agriculture RSS Agriculture
  • Arts, culture and recreation RSS Arts, culture and recreation
  • Business enterprises RSS Business enterprises
  • Communications RSS Communications
  • Construction RSS Construction
  • Education RSS Education
  • Energy RSS Energy
  • Environment RSS Environment
  • Government RSS Government
  • Health RSS Health
  • Justice RSS Justice
  • Labour RSS Labour
  • Manufacturing RSS Manufacturing
  • National accounts RSS National accounts
  • Personal finance and household finance RSS Personal finance and household finance
  • Population and demography RSS Population and demography
  • Prices and price indexes RSS Prices and price indexes
  • Primary industries RSS Primary industries
  • Science and technology RSS Science and technology
  • Service industries RSS Service industries
  • Social conditions RSS Social conditions
  • Trade RSS Trade
  • Transport and warehousing RSS Transport and warehousing
  • Travel and tourism RSS Travel and tourism
  • All subjects RSS All subjects


* RSS formats may vary between websites. Statistics Canada news feeds follow the same RSS 2.0 specification that is used on the Government of Canada Internet site. For best results, please ensure your news reader is compatible with this format before trying to add a feed from our site.

Navigation and search

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To find out more about accessibility features on our site, read our accessibility page.

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  7. Date modified