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The 2006 Census and contractors

How is Statistics Canada protecting the confidentiality of census data?

A number of very important measures are taken by Statistics Canada to protect the confidentiality of Census data.

  • Only Statistics Canada staff handle completed questionnaires and process confidential data. All questionnaires and data are processed in Statistics Canada facilities, located in Canada.
  • The systems and networks used to collect and process confidential data are not connected to any external networks, and are physically isolated from the outside.
  • No contract staff is ever in possession of confidential data, and it is physically impossible for any outside contractor to obtain possession of census data or to transmit them outside the Agency.
  • Everyone working on the census is sworn in under the Statistics Act, and subject to the provisions and penalties of the Statistics Act (including imprisonment of up to six months) if they breach confidentiality. 

Does Statistics Canada have a contract with Lockheed Martin?

Yes. Following an open, competitive and stringent bidding process, Lockheed Martin Canada along with IBM Canada and Transcontinental Printing Canada are required to provide hardware, software and printing services to Statistics Canada for the 2006 Census.  At no point does any contractor collect, handle, or possess confidential census responses.

Is contracting new to the Census?

No.  Statistics Canada has relied on the private sector to provide equipment, printing and other services in conducting previous Censuses, while always protecting data confidentiality. 

What experience do contractors have in developing and providing census hardware and software?

Contractors have provided similar services to censuses in the United States and the United Kingdom in 2000 and 2001. They will also be providing similar services to the Census Bureau in the United States for their next Census in 2010.  Statistics Canada is making use of their investments in technology to conduct the 2006 Census in a cost-effective manner.

Is Lockheed Martin conducting the 2006 Canadian census?

No. Statistics Canada is in full control of all aspects of the census. All questionnaires and data are exclusively handled by Statistics Canada employees. At no point does any contractor handle or possess confidential census responses.

How safe are census data from the Patriot Act?

Completely. The information collected from Canadians will be, at all times, under the exclusive care and full control of Statistics Canada employees. At no time do contractors have access to or possess confidential Census responses. Thus, even if a request were made to any contractor to hand-over or transmit Census data, it would be physically impossible for them to comply.