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Canada: Economic and financial data

Updated daily
The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Canada has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.

[Real Sector | Fiscal Sector | Financial Sector | External Sector | Population]

SDDS data category and component Unit description Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Other links
National accounts
GDP at current prices
GDP – Expenditure detail
C$ millions at current prices, SAAR Q2/06 1,429,800 1,426,724 0.2 Gross domestic product
GDP at constant prices
GDP 1997 – Expenditure detail
C$ millions of chained (1997), SAAR Q2/06 1,186,555 1,180,674 0.5 Gross domestic product
Production index
Production index
(GDP by industry1)
C$ millions at 1997 basic prices, SAAR Aug/06 1,102,842 1,099,829 0.3 (GDP by industry)
Labour market
'000, SA Oct/06 16,556 16,505 0.3 Labour Force Survey
'000, SA Oct/06 1,086 1,131 -4.0 Labour Force Survey
C$, SA Aug/06 748.66 747.00 0.2 Employment, earnings and hours
Prices Indices
Consumer prices
(1992=100), unadjusted Oct/06 129.7 130.0 -0.2 Consumer Price Index
Producer prices
(1992=100) Sep/06 113.4 115.2 -1.6 Industrial Product Price Index
SDDS data category and component Unit description Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Other links
General government operations
Surplus/deficit (Net lending)
General government operations
C$ millions Q2/06 6,998 -4,672 ...  
Central government operations
Total budgetary revenues2
Central government operations
C$ millions Sep/06 16,985 17,115 -0.8 Finance Canada
Central government debt
Liabilities – gross debt2
Central government debt
C$ millions Sep/06 676,026 673,366 0.4 Finance Canada
SDDS data category and component Unit description Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Other links
Analytical accounts of the banking sector
Gross M1
Analytical accounts of the banking sector
C$ millions, SA Oct/06 204,307 200,946 1.7  
Analytical accounts of the central bank
Reserve money3
Analytical accounts of the central bank
C$ millions Oct/06 47,791 46,259 ... Bank of Canada
Administered interest rates
Interest rate
(Bank rate)
Effective rate Nov/24/06 4.5 4.5 ...  
1-month Treasury bill rate Effective rate Oct/06 4.1 4.1 ...  
10-year Government of Canada bond rate Effective rate Oct/06 4.2 4.0 ...  
Stock market: Share price index
Stock market
(S&P/TSX Composite Index)
closing quotations, end of the month Oct/06 12,344.6 11,761.3 5.0  
Stock market
(Toronto stock exchange)
C$ millions, value of shares traded Sep/06 125,175.2 113,190.5 10.6  
Stock market
(Toronto stock exchange)
millions, volume of shares traded Sep/06 6,646.0 5,768.0 15.2  
SDDS data category and component Unit description Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Other links
Balance of Payments
Current account balance
Balance of Payments – detail
C$ millions, SA Q2/06 4,194 8,178 -48.7 Balance of Payments
International reserves and foreign currency liquidity
Canada's official international reservestotal US$ millions Oct/06 35,643 36,017 ...  
Reserves template US$ millions Oct/06 35,643 36,017 ... Finance Canada
Merchandise trade
Total exports current C$ millions, SA Sep/06 37,883 38,667 -2.0 Canadian international trade
Total imports current C$ millions, SA Sep/06 33,912 34,474 -1.6  
International investment position
Net International Investment Position
International investment position – detail
C$ billions Q2/06 -149 -136 ...  
Total external debt
External debt detail C$ millions Q2/06 763,402 747,765 2.1  
Exchange rates
Exchange rates
(USA noon spot rate)
C$ per US$, unadjusted, change columns reflect actual change. Nov/24/06 1.135 1.142 -0.007  
3-month forward rate US/Canada point spread Nov/24/06 -0.32 ... ...  
6-month forward rate US/Canada point spread Nov/24/06 -0.61 ... ...  
SDDS data category and component Unit description Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Other links
thousands Q3/06 32,623 32,524 0.3 Quarterly demographic statistics

Find information related to this table (CANSIM table(s); Definitions, data sources and methods; The Daily; publications; and related Canadian Statistics tables).

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