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On-line Help

  • Detailed context-sensitive explanations of options are available on each page of E-STAT. The Help button appears under Search CANSIM or Search Census on the left side bar, when you enter the data module. This Help function provides explanations of the options available on each screen (or web page), as it is opened.
  • The options in Search map 2001 are linked to their explanations in About Search map 2001.

Navigation and search

Note: This page contains several navigation menus. To enhance accessibility, most of these menus and the site search box are grouped in this section.

To find out more about accessibility features on our site, read our accessibility page.

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  1. Page content
  2. Site navigation menu
  3. Site utility menus
  4. Site search
  5. Important notices
  6. Top of page
  7. Date modified