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Annual event of the Observatory 2002 - American and Canadian Practices To Stimulate Productivity And Innovation  
     Complete text - version .pdf (464 K) , version .htm (52 K)

Annual event of the Observatory 2003 - Clusters as regional development tool - from idea to intervention tools  
     Complete text - version .pdf (454 K) , version .htm (57 K)

Best Practices Information Society  
     Complete text - version Asp

Electronic Business - Trends and Issues for Quebec SMEs
     Complete text - version .pdf (3730 K) , version .htm (3 K)

Emerging regional practices in support of SME innovation  
     Complete text - version .pdf (222 K) , version .htm (2 K)

Funding and innovation in SMEs: (only available in French)  
     Complete text - version .pdf (754 K)

Globalization and the innovative SME- Synthesis Report (only available in French)  
     Complete text - version .pdf (789 K)

High-growth SMEs  
     Complete text - version .pdf (594 K) , version .htm (7 K)

Knowledge institutions and SMEs - Developing synergy ((in French only)  
     Complete text - version .pdf (708 K)

Les besoins et attentes en services-conseils de la PME au Québec (French only)  
     Complete text - version .PDF (195 K)

Les groupes intermédiaires et l'organisation des services aux entreprises (in French only)  
     Complete text - version .pdf (359 K)

Mandate and mission  
     Complete text - version .pdf (162 K) , version .html (7 K)

Mastering the new rules of the game in the information society: An acculturation challenge for rural enterprises and their support communities  
     Complete text - version .pdf (771 K) , version .htm (66 K)

New Business Models for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises: An Exploratory Study (January 2003)  
     Complete text - version .html (1 K) , version .pdf (3731 K)

Quebec Economy, Analysis of Trends  
     Complete text - version .pdf (5029 K) , version .htm (3 K)

Quebec Economy, Analysis of Trends 2003  
     Complete text - version .pdf (1304 K) , version .html (1 K)

Rural community participation in the information society  
     Complete text - version Asp

Stimuler l'innovation par le développement de milieux créateurs (in French only)  
     Complete text - version .pdf (477 K)

Survey of consulting services and SMEs (partnership with Order of Certified Administrators) (only available in French)  
     Complete text - version .PDF (195 K)

Survey on conversion to NICT by Quebec enterprises (partnership with CEFRIO) (only available in French)  

The Economic Development of Montreal  
     Complete text - version .pdf (604 K) , version .htm (144 K)


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    Last revised: 2006-06-15 Page Up Important Notices
    Date published: 1998-03-01